Try the political quiz

180 Replies

 @9JVVX2BConservative from Saskatchewan  answered…1yr1Y

I think it's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' protection and well being over global cooperation because each country's people has its own needs to protect against things like war, hunger, poverty and things of this nature.

 @9JW2Y47New Democraticfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

Having our own senior citizens struggle on a fixed budget while sending Tens of millions to other countries seems unfair.

 @9JVVX2BConservative from Saskatchewan  agreed…1yr1Y

I think its important that a country prioritizes its own citizen's wellbeing over a global cooperation because it needs its own specific needs met such as food, clothes, basic necessities to survive, peace.

 @9JVVX2BConservative from Saskatchewan  agreed…1yr1Y

It is important that a country look after its own citizens over a global cooperation because the citizens are the ones that require food, clothing, proper shelter, emergency items with no lights flares could be used for boating emergencies

 @9KMCKBK from British Columbia  answered…12mos12MO

I think it’s important to help out the citizens knowing that they are here originally and then secondly the foreigners

 @9KMDN9Cfrom Alberta  commented…12mos12MO

here originally and people who have been in our country for longer then 5 years.

 @9JYMWCLNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

We constantly hear politicians make a display about how we can't afford to fund economic programs. In what world can you justify denying supporting taxpayers, while simultaneously using their money to fund foreign aid? Completely insane!

 @9K2BPBCNew Democraticfrom British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Well, considering the current global issue, the invasion and genocide of the Palestinian peoples by the Israeli settlers, countries should be focusing more on supporting the side thats being slaughtered INCLUDING their own citizens, instead of funding the genocide and not doing anything to go against it. and also racism

 @9L2SXDRfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

There needs to be a balance. Nationalism is a dangerously slippery slope, but we should definitely try as hard as we can to do right by our own citizens without dipping into nationalist territory.

 @9L3XB2Sfrom Nova Scotia  agreed…11mos11MO

Take care of your own nation's people first. Once the wellbeing of Canadians is achieved, then we can look to aid others. Prioritize Canadians.

 @9KW35VLfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes. Citizens are the first responsibility of any government and it should be on their priority list.

 @9KZN7TSLiberalfrom Ontario  agreed…11mos11MO

Citizen happiness can make the country more stable and promote economic development, and should be paid more attention to

 @9KCLS45Conservativefrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

I think no country is better than every other country.

 @9KJB7PSfrom Ontario  disagreed…12mos12MO

A country should be a system of values that makes society flourish. To say all systems of values are equal is stupid.

  @LeftAnglicanNew Democratic from Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

it is important, but if they prioritize their own national interests over what's better for the international community, then that is a different story. Countries should not devolve into isolationism and irredentism.

 @9JXCVF4from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

everyone should be treated fairly unless they have committed a crime or have done something very bad.

 @9KTHWM2from Saskatchewan  answered…11mos11MO

Some people who have been in Canada thier whole life's don't have the supports they need and they don't get it but some people who just move here get everything supported for them.

 @9KZ3FS9from Quebec  agreed…11mos11MO

Ukranian refugees have had it really nice compared to a lot of my friends who’ve struggled a lot growing up, I don’t know maybe it’s isolated to where I am.

 @9KF8QLZLiberalfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

Yes it is important because people need rules in order to behave in an orderly fashion.

 @9KK9CXRfrom Ontario  disagreed…12mos12MO

there are many scenarios to compare this to. If a country's well being is dependent on destroying another country, it is truly invalid to do so.

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

I think countries should work to as much globally unity as possible. There is no reason to privatize your land because of borders from hundreds of years ago.

 @9KPZJ38from Ontario  agreed…12mos12MO

I think that it is important to prioritize citizen wellbeing because individuals wellbeing is more important that global problems.

 @9L9H3S3from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

As much as I think Canada should help other countries, our count try is falling apart right now with homelessness, no jobs, a poor economy, no housing, expensive groceries, and more. Until we focus on what’s going on here, it will keep getting worse

 @9L68F4Q from Saskatchewan  answered…11mos11MO

I think it's important for a country to prioritize its citizens' protection and well being over global cooperation because each country's people have their own needs to protect against things like war, hunger, poverty, and things of this nature.

 @9L4KNPPConservativefrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

 @9L56C5Mfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes, This is very important and should always happen as it is their own home and country.


Yes, it is. If you can't look after your own, how can you justify looking after others?

 @9L38LWJGreenfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes, at the end of the day we must always prioritize the issues affecting our own nation first.

 @9L2RMFGfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes agreed. It’s one thing to make sure your country is seen in the country as good with other places globally but first and foremost your people should be happy.

 @9L2GMPQLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I believe that our own citizens' well-being is very important. I go by a rule, that if you want to help someone, you should. But you must care for yourself first, since if you aren't cared for, then it's very difficult to care for others.

 @9KZM97SConservativefrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes it is important that a country prioritizes the citizens first. The federal government works to serve the country and its people first and global issues next.

 @9KZKC3Xfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Its important to prioritize people because they are more important than the government system.

 @9KZK4KPNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I believe it is important for a country to prioritize its own citizens over any one else because they are the ones living their

 @9KYLMZWfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes because global cooperations creates dependency on foreign entities and in the long term possesses existential risk

 @9KYHDY3Conservative from Nova Scotia  answered…11mos11MO

Yes, it is important because how are you going to prioritize something else when you leave your citizens.. the citizens should be well taken care of before tackling other issues!

 @9KY7TFTfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

I think that a country's main priority is its own people so yes a nation should always put its own people first but then again considering how it would affect other nations can be the second priority.

 @9H5ZSG3Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

In the contemporary world, nationalism continues to be a potent political force. It can be seen in movements for independence, in resistance to immigration, and in the politics of identity. However, it is also often criticized for its potential to exclude and marginalize those who do not fit the national norm, and for its potential to lead to conflict and war. Despite these criticisms, nationalism remains a significant aspect of political life in many parts of the world.

 @9L72ZYHLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes because the citizens are a big part of the community, and they make a difference

 @9L56Z8Kfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

 @9L4VS6Sfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think it's important because of a country that is responsible for its own citizens and can think about other communities and global cooperation when it has enough resources for its own citizens.

 @9L4R8L8from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think it is important for countries to prioritize its citizens so that the citizens can feel safe and secure knowing that they come first to their country.

 @9L4N5TCfrom Nova Scotia  answered…11mos11MO

 @9L4JLDTNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think that global cooperation is essential and a country should prioritize their citizens, there should be a balance between the two, that ever so slightly leans toward the well being of their citizens

 @9L3YD98from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

It is important to prioritize its own citizens because healthy and happy citizens make a country great and relevant on the world stage.

 @9KZJYJNfrom California  answered…11mos11MO

 @9J9PHBQfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

 @9H6DWPWfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Both should be equally looked over but the citizens well being should be prioritized most of the time because global issues can’t be solved if the citizens are also being affected.

 @9L8WLPDfrom Pennsylvania  answered…11mos11MO

yes as long as there is no external threat to the country, in which case global cooperation would be prioritized

 @9L6ZJPWfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I believe countries should prioritize their own citizens' well being over global cooperation since if the country itself isnt unified then global cooperation would not be as viable.

 @9KZWTHZfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

i think that there number one should be their own country because idhere working on their own country it should help the rest of the world in the prosess.

 @9KY7DCBfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

No, I don't believe so. Because some people could contradict the country's plan

 @9LBVJHFfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think that a nation should prioritize its people over people in another nation, however, this doesn't mean that nations can't help each other.

 @9L938GCNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

 @9KY2C8Nfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

YES. Those who pay taxes, contribute to society and raise their families here should be prioritized.

 @9KW67KNNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

Without taking care of a citizens wellbeing, how will a country be deemed trustworthy to a global cooperation

 @9KQRSQ9from Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

given the current situation of the global economy and peoples anger and frustration I can see why "nationalsim" is as popular as it is. But what we need to agree to is that the issue isn't as much with foriegn interests as it is the rich and corrupt vs. everyone else. While Canada should focus more on itself, to develope and improve we can't do so on our own and should move more too making an allie of europe and part ourselves more from the United states.

 @9KMDGPJ answered…12mos12MO

Absolutely. We are an independent nation and must forge our own future. Globalization would only serve to make everyone except the elite poor.

 @9K64VF6from Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

yes, the government has a duty to prioritize the citizens of it's country before helping any other country/world goal. why should a government be sending millions of dollars in foreign aid when their citizens are starving in the streets.

 @9JZVYL6New Democratic from British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

I think a country with the means to help those outside of it are obligated to do so, but not at the expense of its less well-off citizens.

 @9LDCQ7NNew Democratic from British Columbia  answered…11mos11MO

No, we are one planet, all connected: the head has to take care of a broken hand and can't just operate like the hand doesn't exist.

 @9LCJ58Xfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

 @9L8YLYTfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I believe that Canada has enough problems of its own that we are not dealing with. We need to focus on our citizens and let other countries try and deal with their own problems.

 @9L2P5YGfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

It depends on their situation. If their country is at a delicate stage right now, then yes. But is not, then they should be encouraged to support global cooperation.

 @9KZS5ZXfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

It's important for a country to lean towards domestic interests more than international interests. If we focus on globalizing too much, we sell out our own country, citizens and resources to others.

Canada has a quality and way of life, that Canadians view as acceptable. We cannot globalize to the standards of other countries fully.

 @9KZN9W6from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

 @9KY8775from Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

Yes and no. Global cooperation is very important in the sense that working to creating a safe world where our national interests are protected is simultaneously working towards the wellbeing of our citizens. We can prioritize citizens' wellbeing through both domestic actions and global cooperation.

 @9KY779FConservativefrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes because if your country isn’t happy then the people aren’t happy with you

 @9KXZ6Y7 from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Yes, this is because the country's citizens are the individuals that will keep the nation functioning and potentially it to success.

 @9KRJVJPfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Yes our country is in crisis and we should be focusing on that not countries half way across the world

 @9KQVQQFfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Domestic start-up businesses should get the most support to help create a Canadian brand, so we set the best example for the rest of the population and the whole world. Such businesses will have the opportunity to partner up with others including the global level.

 @9KQMKNXfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

In the current state its more important for Canada to actually focus on its citizens before other nations because many people are struggling

 @9KKT7PVfrom British Columbia  answered…12mos12MO

yes but only to a reasonable extent. the needs of your people are important but meeting them should not come at the cost of others etc.

 @9KC5W6Lfrom Nova Scotia  answered…12mos12MO

It's extremely important. It should be... Every day, in the office, there's a ton of people who are speaking their own language... Am I in a foreign country?...

It feels like it.

 @9K5HRDBfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

yeah I agree with this because your country is only thing you have you should be loyal to it.

 @9JYLZMWfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

 @9JWS2V7from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I believe to some extent the country should prioritize its citizens but also make sure that if doing so, that they are still paying attention to global matters and problems and take care of them.

 @9JWR98Bfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I think that t's important for a country to prioritize its own citizens' more because there is no country if there are no citizens. Citizens always come first in the country. That is what I stand by.

 @9LCJGPHNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think a country should prioritize the wellbeing of their own citizens as not prioritizing it could cause the country to degrade over time, even if it's helping many other countries.

 @9LC5L6Nfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Ensuring Peace and Security

International cooperation plays a pivotal role in maintaining peace and security on a global scale. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) serves as a platform for diplomatic dialogue, conflict resolution, and peacekeeping operations.

 @9LBC75Nfrom New York  answered…11mos11MO

I believe in certain cases, yes. Personally, with my political views, I would always put the people of my nation, before helping others of another nation, first. I do believe in helping others, but we need to take care of everyone at home first. Especially, when it comes to social issues e.g. Immigration. We should take care of the Homelessness issue, and stop letting in an insane amount of Immigrants into Canada like we have been, since it is literally destroying the economy and house market. It is crazy to me that 500,000 immigrants come to Canada annually, yet this country doesn't hav…  Read more

 @9LBVGK2from Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I believe that the well-being of a country's citizens and their global cooperation are equally important.

 @9L6FDTTfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think yes in a way that they should mainly focus on their citizens but make sure to not ignore what is occurring around the globe.

 @9L4XKWXfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

With regards to nationalism, I do believe that one country should not just look out for its own interests, but should instead look out for the interests of the global cooperation as well. This is because it will ensure that poorer, developing nations will not be left behind, and will still be given a chance in life.

 @9KW5KBXfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Maintaining a balance between international collaboration and citizen well-being is crucial. Giving citizens priority maintains national identity and stability while attending to their individual needs. But cross-border cooperation is needed to address global issues like pandemics and climate change. Achieving lasting results that benefit both the global community and its citizens requires striking a balance.

 @9KW5DQ2Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

It is important for countries to take care of their people, but also they benefit from trade, sharing ideas between nation and tackling other problems.

 @9KW5BPCLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Balancing national interests with global cooperation is crucial for sustainable development and peace; prioritizing citizens' wellbeing while engaging in cooperative efforts fosters stability and prosperity for both the nation and the world.

 @9KS223Vfrom Maine  answered…11mos11MO

yes, but that doesn't mean you need to be selfish, as people in need are still people.

 @9KQR724Conservativefrom Nova Scotia  answered…12mos12MO

I do think that strength of a country is built within. I have nothing against helping foriegn nations but it has to be within reason.

 @9KQNB3Kfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Primary focus should be on our own nation and its habitants, GDP, quality of life, etc

 @9KQCS2Zfrom Nova Scotia  answered…12mos12MO

The Canadian standard of living has been declining over the past decade however we cannot change the fact our country is affected by a myriad of global influences. This is the duality of our world now so both ends of the spectrum need to be addressed.

 @9KQCBD5from Nova Scotia  answered…12mos12MO

I'm all for helping other countries but take care of.our own country first.. we pay the taxes.

 @9KPY9VTLiberalfrom British Columbia  answered…12mos12MO

When it comes to prioritizing citizens' wellbeing over global cooperation, it's a complex balance. Some argue that a country should focus on its own citizens first to ensure their prosperity and security. They believe that by doing so, the country can then contribute more effectively to global cooperation. On the other hand, there are those who emphasize the importance of collaboration and addressing global issues together. They believe that interconnectedness and cooperation benefit everyone in the long run. It's a topic that sparks different opinions.

 @9KMDKZ6from Michigan  answered…12mos12MO

Global cooperation is one of the most effective tools to improve our own citizens' wellbeing. For example, trade with the United States has made Canadians much wealthier, and the opposite is true as well. If we work to maintain strong relationships with other countries, it will improve our citizens' wellbeing as well through gains from trade.

 @9KLXYZQConservativefrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

No because if we have no connection with global cooperation we would be by our selves as a country.

 @9K5TPYYLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

No because the citziens of the country should at least have their choice and priortize themselves than a country. I think it would work well and better that way.

 @9K4SSM6New Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

I think that is a very communist set of mind and I think that the correct balance is to prioritize both, as they are both important in many ways.

 @9K3KLRTfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Leaders of a government should always priortize the safety and well being of it's citizens as that's its main job everything else will come after

 @9JZP7TYfrom Quebec  answered…1yr1Y

Global cooperation should be limited only to the extent where it directly benefits the local population As the saying goes, take care of your family first. Government should always prioritize it's own citizens

 @9JZ8DZ4from British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

I disagree with the idea that a country should prioritize its own citizens’ wellbeing over global cooperation. I think that in today’s interconnected world, countries need to work together to solve common challenges and promote mutual interests. As a Canadian, I value the strong ties that Canada has with other countries, especially the United States and the United Kingdom. Canada shares the longest undefended border with the United States, and has a long history of trade, culture, and defense cooperation with both the United States and the United Kingdom. These relationships have…  Read more

 @9JYWP2Tfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I think it is because of the fact that we shape our country and we are the ones that run this country and fund it through taxes and jobs


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