Try the political quiz


 @B3BYHVRfrom Ontario  commented…4wks4W

#1 Engaged Healthcare #2 Engaged Safe Haven

I'm 4 years clean now because of these harm reduction clinics. I'm clean because i'm alive and im alive because of them and was able to get the help I.Needed.

What you're proposing is essentially incarceration and if I was incarcerated at the time when I was addicted to drugs that would have messed with my mind so much more and I would have turned to the drugs to feel better the second I was out of the clinic.

All that would do would cause or intensify peoples mental health issues.

As a once terribly intense addict thats 4 years clean because of these places. I strongly disagree.

Please, If you dont agree with this I ask you please rethink your solution of "mandatory rehabilitation" / or in other words incarceration

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Last activeActivity3 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias0%Active inPartyUndeclaredLocationVictoria, BC