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 @9GRM8JGNew Democratic from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Top Disagreement

A woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body. There shouldn't have to be a counterargument because this topic should not be debated. Any reason that a woman does not want to have a child is a valid reason. People who use the excuse of adoption being an option don't understand that many pregnancies are complicated and some women just don't want to be pregnant, and that is COMPLETELY FINE!

 @9GRYFMCfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree. It's their right. If you don't want the pregnancy, just get rid of it. It's not like making abortions illegal will stop people from trying.

 @9GZGLCV from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

A woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body. There shouldn't have to be a counterargument because this topic should not be debated. Any reason that a woman does not want to have a child is a valid reason. People who use the excuse of adoption being an option don't understand that many pregnancies are complicated and some women just don't want to be pregnant, and that is completely fine

 @9GZVVLFLiberalfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I absolutely agree with this comment. I believe that it is completely wrong to restrict a woman's rights about what she does with her body! It should be her choice, and if you remove that option, then you are restricting her freedoms and rights!

 @9GHQ345 from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

What if the mother is not ready to take on the care of the child? Will we bring another unloved thing into this world? As a victim of child abuse, growing up being unloved and scorned for the simple feat of existing was something that has scarred me for the rest of my life. I don't want that to happen to anyone else - and plus, if the abortion happens early on, the child has never opened their eyes or experienced life. I think the people who are going to give birth to a child have full right to decide if they want it or not. Sometimes, the circumstances just aren't right. Also, you have to take into account the idea of rape - should a woman be forced to carry the child of a man who raped her? There's a lot of situations and overall, in general, the person who gives birth should be allowed to make the final call.

 @9GJ299H from Manitoba  disagreed…1yr1Y

ADOPTION. THERE ARE PEOPLE WANTING CHILDREN WHO CAN'T HAVE THEM. FIND SOMEONE. There will always be women in the church who will want another child to take care of. People can give that human life a chance to have a good life.

 @P0pul1stSophiaConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The adoption process itself can be lengthy, costly, and emotionally draining. Furthermore, not all children who are put up for adoption find homes. According to the AFCARS Report, there were over 122,000 children waiting to be adopted in the United States in 2019. These children spend an average of 3 years in foster care, often moving multiple times.

 @ReformVioletfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

No child should ever grow up feeling unloved or unwanted. However, I believe there are alternatives to abortion such as adoption and foster care systems. These options can provide the child a chance to experience love and care in a different family setting.

 @9GLSHPRfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

that women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies because it's their bodies and it effects them

 @9GXV9V3from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

There are many reasons why a women would want to get an abortion. The baby’s life may be harming her own life, she is unable to support a baby at the moment, or she may have gotten pregnant from a traumatic situation. For any reason a women should have the option to do what she wants with her body, whether its an abortion, adoption or having the baby that is completely the women's choice. No one should be able to tell anyone what they can and cannot do with their own body.

 @9H4MYZZfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The government has no place in mandating a woman's control over her own body, it is out of their jurisdiction.

 @9FT75VTfrom Manitoba  disagreed…1yr1Y

Pro-choice has so many more opportunities for healthier or safer babies and protecting women from any hardships that a baby would put on their mental health, financial situation, education, and even physical health. It also provides the option to terminate the embryo due to forced SA. The women/men/those who are ready and prepared to have a child will make the decision to keep and those who are not for any reason will decide what is best for THEM and THEIR bodies. There are already medical restrictions in place to protect babies who are past the stage of abortion. If they can choose to safely abort it should be their own decision with guidance from a medical profession who supports them.

 @9GNQ4VMfrom New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

Women should have the right to make choices for their OWN bodies; we never know what the circumstances are. It could either be dangerous for women to give birth, they could not afford to have a child, or someone could be raped and have to deal with the remainder of a child and perhaps not treat that child properly because of it.

 @9G5Z93Sfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

The truth is we must ask god, is it our right to kill that baby because it's inconvenient? If we say yes for rape victims it's just going to progress to all women. Do I think it's wrong that the woman got raped? yes but two wrongs don't make a right. If the mother really dose not want a child she can adopt it out but murder is out of the question.

 @9G379F6from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. Pro-choice is allowing the woman to choose what to do if she is pregnant. There are multiple factors why a woman might not be ready or able to have a baby. These can include; being very young, complications with the fetus, being raped, incest, etc. No woman should be forced to do something with her body, it should be up to her and her only.

 @9GHK7JKfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The "My body my choice" argument is a very strong one. No one should be able to control what someone else chooses to do with their body.

 @9GG2R56Liberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Forcing women to have a baby when they are either too young or they could die is awful. People have the right to health care and to make decisions about their own bodies.

 @9GNGJ3JLiberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Women should be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies, no body should be making the decision for them.

 @9GDZL5YNew Democraticfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

If it is not your body you should not have the chocie on what they should do with theirs. Many people that do get pregnant are not capable or in the position to take care of a child. Rape victims should not have to go through with something so traumatic and life threatning. In some cases the mother and the baby will die if they are not aborted. With in the first weeks of a mother being pregnant the "baby"is a bunch of cells forming, it is not a human life yet.

 @9GCQ9D8from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Pro Choice is not pro abortion, it is just giving the woman her own choice for her own body. pro life cant be said when the life hasnt even been created/formed

 @9HCMTP6from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Any position that isn't letting the woman carring the fetus make her own decision and have the services to enact that decision is opresssion.

 @9H65N47from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is your body. Not anyone else's. It doesn't matter what anyone else thing or wants all that matters if what you do. This is a major step back for women rights. What about the men? Why aren't we taking away their rights? If we cared as much about guns as we do about abortion then maybe just maybe people might actually get to feel safe in this world.

 @9GTKJ4Sfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

My body, my choice. The decision for people that have a uterus is not affecting you, so why do you care?

There is a 3 month old baby and 3 growing fetuses and small jars in a burning house. You can either choose to save the baby or the fetuses, which do you choose to save?

The men who preach pro-life, do not actually care about the children they claim to save, they only care about oppressing women and taking away their right to do what they want with their bodies.

What happens to all of the unwanted children that would be a result of abortions are banned? Are the pro-life people trying to get more funding for orphanages, and places that will provide a safe place for unwanted children? Ultimately, there will be an increase of children in foster care.

 @9GQZD4Yfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

There is no child that is being killed, it is simply a fertilized egg that has the potential to turn into a child. As well, if the child cannot be cared for, it will end up in fostering. If the concerns are about childrens lives, start by helping the millions of kids in the foster system. As well, men who have a significant stance just want more control over women and their bodies. Women should not be forced to have children.

 @9FTWLZJfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

People need to be more aware of their sex life, and be more cautious and think more that with an always chance of having a kid, if it is necessary to take the risk.

 @9FRY4CSfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Everybody should get the chance to live their best life and make the world a better place even if they weren't planned. the fact that people would take these poor people and just throw them out like garbage is also disgusting.

 @9GPV8ZPfrom New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

Women should be allowed to choose what to do with their own bodies. There are women that are raped, accidental pregnancies, teenage pregnancies, addicts, etc that end up getting pregnant and to force them to have a baby is setting that child up for trauma. Yes there is options like adoption but it still comes back to the woman having control of their own choices and bodies. That woman will have to deal with the trauma of giving a child up , have to go through a full pregnancy, potentially have to stop school or work due to the pregnancy, and deal with the stigma of giving a child up because of choices she has made.

 @9FRQQ9Yfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

eople should be able to choose for themselves. If you don't like abortions don't get one, but don't prevent those who want or need it from getting them.

 @9GPTSB9from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Those seeking abortion will do so regardless if it is legal, therefore leading to unsafe measures. A woman's reproductive rights are untouchable.

 @9FTV83Jfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body. It is her own, and no one other than her should be able to tell her what to do with it

 @9FTTL8Cfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

it's your body and your choice. No one else should make the decision on what you do to your body but you.

 @9FSVTL9from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

My best counter argument to the Pro-Life position on Abortion is what if a girl is Sexually assault and gets pregnant. She should be alound to get an abortion.

 @9FSNDYSfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I agree with pro choice, I don't think any male should have an opinion on this because its not their body, if a woman was too young or couldn't afford getting protection they should still have the right to have an abortion, pro life doesn't even make sense because people say you cant "kill" a baby, there's not even a live baby in there when you get an abortion there's a very tiny cell like thing but there's nothing developed enough to be hurt or know what is happening

 @9FTSZXDfrom Quebec  disagreed…1yr1Y

You should be able to choose, if you don’t want one don’t get one but if you want or need one you should be able too

 @9LTD7YXLiberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

Telling women what they have to do with their bodies is absolutely ridiculous. Your body, your choice!

 @9LTPJYJfrom Washington  disagreed…10mos10MO

Does the baby get a choice for HIS body? Does he get a say, before they either starve him to death via the cursed abortion pill, or tear him limb from limb and crush his skull?

 @9GWF8MHfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

The same people who will complain about people having an abortion will complain that said person cannot support their child. If someone does not feel ready to have a child they shouldn't have to have one. Birth control isn't 100% effective.

 @9GZ6DF4from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

before you decide to care about children before they're born, look at what happens after they're born and fix that. (also it's the mothers choice and the fetus could cause the mother to die and that doesn't sound like LIFE to me hmmm???)

 @9GTWWM4New Democraticfrom Newfoundland  disagreed…1yr1Y

Abortion should be a decision made by the woman for her own body, so that there is not a risk for infections from the baby if it is deceased, etc., and women shouldn't be forced to go through with the pregnancy. It is not a choice of someone in the office across the country, and should be solely made by the person that is directly affected.

 @9G95H9Vfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Every woman should have the right to make choices that affect their body. There are many situations where a woman may get an abortion. They may not be able to support a child. The baby may have been the product of rape or sexual assault, mo matter what happened, the woman should always be able to make that decision

 @9GFRJZVfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

You do not know the circumstances impacting someone seeking an abortion, and it is not the government's decision to decide this. Many people are struggling to make ends meet, there could be a medical or mental health reason, or they are just not ready to be a parent.

 @9GBSQFYNew Democraticfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

A women should have control over her own body and be able to decide what is best considering her own circumstances. The law should not dictate her life for her.

 @9GBCTKSNew Democraticfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

It should be the mothers choice on if they want to get an abortion or not, because someone could get pregnant and it could be from the result of rape, or something out of their control. I don't think abortion is murder because you'd just be aborting a clump of cells and not an actual human.

 @9G7DMZ7from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think it should absolutely be someone’s choice as to whether they would like to abort their own child. It should be up to them not the government.

 @9GF9YPDfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

everyone deserves the right over theri own body no body lse shoudl have the right to say something about someone elses body

 @9GDRYXCfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Womens bodies are the ones that are ones carrying the baby, and makes the biggest sacrifice so the woman should have the choice on their bodies

 @9GCDLS3from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

a woman should have every right to do as they wish with their own body and should not be held the right to a safe and legal abortion. if they do not have a safe option then they will find a way to access it illegally and in a way that may harm them, so instead when legalizing the procedure it will be safer and easier for women to make the choice they wanted to in the first place.

 @9GBXFWFfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Take religion out of it. its not your body, its not your choice. if you dont want one, dont get one. you have no right to decide what other women want t do with THEIR body.

 @9GCRFFJLiberalfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

If you propagate rights for the unborn, you should equally propagate for the living, meaning you cannot be homophobic and transphobic and pro-life

 @9G9JPLTfrom New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think it should absolutely be someone’s choice as to whether they would like to abort their own child. It should be up to them not the government

 @9GCF23Bfrom New Brunswick  disagreed…1yr1Y

The counter argument to the Pro Life position is that abortion is a complex and deeply personal and emotional choice. Women weigh many factors like their health, their age, financial stability and how they got pregnant. (like rape or incest) The pro choice argument says that it is not the government or society's place to dictate these deeply personal decisions for women.

 @9G8FYGHLiberalfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

if its not your body you dont have a right to tell someone what to do with theirs: my body my choice

 @9G2XYSCfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is a woman's choice what she wants to do with HER baby, especially people who have no way to have on should not have an opinion. What if the woman was raped? What if the woman doesn't have enough money to support herself and the baby?

 @9GBD2J6from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

pro life will increase ptsd in humans along with child abuse, neglect, or more homeless families and people may resort to unsafe ways to self abort that can harm themselves

 @9FZMWVSfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Social analysis argues forcibly for the need for safe, legal and affordable abortions. Approximately 1 million women had abortions annually until the 1973 decision legalizing abortion, and abortion had become the leading cause of maternal death and mutilation (40 deaths/100,000 abortions compared to 40 deaths/100,000 live births according to National Abortion Rights Action league.) An estimated 9000 rape victims become pregnant each year (FBI 1973); 100,000 cases of incest occur yearly (National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect, 1978). Two-thirds of teenage pregnancies are not planned, beca…  Read more

 @9G5CV94from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

If the dad wants to leave the mom then the mom should be able to abort it. If the mom was raped, she should be able to abort a child that would only be a hassle and traumatic for her causing some sort of neglect or abuse.

 @9G4CQ25from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

no law should be able to govern a women’s body as that takes away their humans rights, and thus you give more rights to an unborn blob of cells more then an actual human being.

 @9G2S65Qfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Anti-abortion is an inhumane measure. There are many situations that may lead to the need for abortion, and anti-abortion policies are largely measures dictated by men and do not adequately take women into account.

 @9FWQXNGfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

A child is alive. Being woven together in its mothers womb as said in ps 139. Also find me a single person who was born from someone who didn’t bring something to this world and make some degree of impact.

 @9FWQGNFfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The protection of women and young girls. In cases where there is a rape, health risks for the mother or child, and not being emotionally or financially able to give the child the best possible outcome there needs to be a safe way for women to have a legal abortion.

 @9FWJBMSNew Democraticfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is important to consider the wishes of the person who is having the baby. It is not appropriate for someone else to make decisions on their behalf.

 @9FY2MJHNew Democraticfrom Manitoba  disagreed…1yr1Y

Every person should have autonomy over their own body and a right to choose as their choice affects the entirely of their life. They also could have conceived under traumatic circumstances such as sexual assault and should not be forced to go through with such a pregnancy.

 @9G8CHKBfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

what another person does with their body is none of your buisness. what happens to the baby of the 14 year old that your brother raped, your forcing her too give birth to this baby but you dont care what ahppens to if after. the foster care system is horrendous and your not doing anything to change it, not to mention the affect birth has on the body and the mind. your beliefs mean jack **** to everyone else so shut your mouth and mind your buisness. nobody asked you anyways. - a 14 year old

 @9FXWFP2from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Parents unable or unsuitable to raise a baby will only make the baby/child suffer throughout their life.

 @9G8H2KHfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Just like the government and individuals have no right to limit people’s religious choices they should also not be allowed to limit a woman’s right to choose.

 @9FYBCXPfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A baby is, at one point, essentially a parasite and is not obligated the use of its host any more than people are required to donate organs - this is a choice.

 @9GDZMGWGreenfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

If someone found out they were pregnant but the child had multiple medical issues and the mother and baby were not going to survive the birth then how is that pro-life if you're ending two lives.

 @9G99JHMfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It’s the women’s body, they have to carry that baby and should be able to decide for themselves what they do

 @9G8H2Y5from Saskatchewan  disagreed…1yr1Y

it's the woman's choice mostly, a 20 year old shouldn't be having a kid unless the kid has a guaranteed safe and stable upbringing. remember the woman is the one who has to go through with raising the child for 9 months and abortion needs to be available. especially in cases like rape. But the woman should have the most say and final verdict. remember, not everyone should be a parent. My own father is a good example as he ran away when I was 2 years old and had 2 more kids the same year with another woman. And he was much older than my mother. My mother was not ready to be a mother with her conditions.

 @9G7N3Y6from Saskatchewan  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is the woman’s body, and her choice. No one has the right to tell the woman what to do with her own body.

 @9G69WZCfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

It’s the person body if they want it keep it if they don’t then don’t, it’s technically not a baby but a few cells combined. Also if they aren’t ready adoption might now be the answer cause it can ruin their body with all the symptoms and is painful

 @9FWLWNVfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Hold a baby in one hand and an embryo in the other... now you have to drop one. Why did you choose the embryo?

 @9G9S74Pfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

If you had a child who got raped, and if they had the child they would die. 100% confirmed, that they'd pass during the birth of this child. Would you rather save your own child? Or the product of a rape?

 @9GFY9RNfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

women being to young or unfit to raise a child, a woman being raped, not being ready to raise a child, illness, many more

 @9G95MVWfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

pro-life is not giving someone the freedom or opportunity of choosing what they want to do with their body. sure its killing something incredible but you would need to see it through their eyes they wouldn't want to keep the child of someone who r worded them or sexually abused them and if they don't want the child that is their choice. it's their body so they get to do what they feel to need to do to it.

 @9GN988Jfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

yes, pro-lifers are trying to do the right thing for the baby but what about the mother and her choices? if the mother was raped and she got pregnant would she have to keep the baby? No, she should not have to keep a baby of on of the worst moments of her life, and that baby may remind her of that. That situation is not good for the baby or the mother.

 @B2QRYYCfrom Ontario  disagreed…6 days6D

IF a woman has a that baby she doesn't want, She could experience a range of emotional and psychological challenges, including depression, anxiety, feelings of guilt, and difficulty bonding with the child; however, she can choose to parent the child, place the baby for adoption, or consider abortion.

A high-risk pregnancy means that the pregnant person or fetus has an increased chance of developing health problems. This can lead to complications during pregnancy, delivery, or after birth. This has nothing to do with Pro-life, It does. About 6–8% of pregnancies in the United States…  Read more

 @B2PMF8Cfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1wk1W

Why would you let a young woman’s life be ruined and her future goals and dreams be traded for a non sentient fertilized egg that resulted from careless sexual behaviour

 @B2MBKBGNew Democraticfrom Alberta  agreed…1wk1W

Most sexual abuse victims are women, the only gender that can give birth. Why should they be more susceptible to caring for a child compared to men?

 @B2M64B3from Texas  disagreed…1wk1W

The danger to the women's life is more important. Of she dies, the baby dies with her so you loose both lives; if it's from a sexual assault, they shouldn't have to carry said child.

 @B2LM6P9from Ontario  disagreed…1wk1W

if there are specific scenarios where you would be pro abortion just make it legal, no one should do a dangerous procedure not in a safe environment

 @B2LG3GPLiberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…1wk1W

if you think a clump of cells is worth saving over someone being allowed to choose what they want to do with their body then you are not really caring about the people or their health

 @B2L9K6Yfrom Maine  disagreed…1wk1W

It is unethical for the state to regulate individual bodies. It threatens more harm than good to regulate when, or if a woman wants to exercise her medical rights. If the state steps in, there is no way to stop at a certain point. It either has to be all the way, which is oppressive or none at all allowing women to choose in individual cases.

 @B2L4XDNNew Democraticfrom British Columbia  disagreed…2wks2W

No person should have control over women’s bodily autonomy. There’s enough kids in homes where parents don’t want them. Kids deserve to be born to parents who want them, not who are forced to have them.

 @B2KZMWYfrom British Columbia  disagreed…2wks2W

Being Pro-choice is pro-life. You are focusing on the life of the woman and not a clump of cells if you are pro-choice. You have every right to be pro-life, but that doesn’t mean you have to take away access to abortions for everyone else. It is healthcare. Not murder. One can argue that pro-lifers are murderers, because preventing a woman with an ectopic pregnancy from getting an abortion can lead to death of her and the baby (if I’m not mistaken). If you are pro-life, are you ready to help that mother raise the child and pay for some of the expenses? What if she was assaulted?…  Read more

 @B2KVJ7Xfrom Ontario  agreed…2wks2W

That all people, those we like and dislike, those we work with, those we see on the street and bever see again, those who commit crimes, those who save people, those who hurt people, from the old, to young, to even the unborn, are all deserving of life.

 @B2KDYL5from District of Columbia  disagreed…2wks2W

It could seriously harm the mother and baby. Some people cant give the babies the best life and in cases of rape i think it would be extremely cruel to force the mother to carry and take care of the baby especially if the mother herself is a child.

 @B2KCXC5from Alberta  disagreed…2wks2W

What would happen in the situation of sexual assault or if someone needs a medical treatment to save their life. Even if it means the fetus will not make it.

 @B2K98V3from Newfoundland  disagreed…2wks2W

There are many circumstances where women become pregnant when they are unable to have a baby. The birth may kill them or the baby, it was a product of sexual violence, or the mother can not financially support a baby. Contraceptives are never 100% preventing of pregnancy, therefore a woman who was trying to be careful may accidentally become pregnant. A fetus is not a baby, it BECOMES a baby through the 9 month period. If it is really a baby, shouldn’t there be life insurance on it? Shouldn’t men start paying child support as soon as conceived? No, therefore a woman should be able…  Read more

 @B2HKLKFLiberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

Forcing a woman to have a child she doesn't want or is unprepared for is problematic not just for them two, but for the system as well.

 @B2H6G8Bfrom Alberta  disagreed…2wks2W

Pro life is selfish, you can have your own beliefs but never is it ok to force your beliefs on another person. It’s always been this way and it should never change. It’s a violation of woman’s rights to be pro life.

 @B2H4X8WGreenfrom Ontario  disagreed…3wks3W

The argument that foster care abd adoption exists is a moot point, as even with abortion, there are still too many children in the system without homes. Instead of worrying about what a woman does with her body, their should be a better, safer system that should be implemented than the foster care system that fails children again and again. The reality is, pro-lifers do not care about the children, they only care about policing what women should and ahould not do with their own bodies. Anything after that is none of their business, apparently. They act as if they are on morally high ground while ignoring everything else. This debate should not even be a thing.

 @B2GHJVJConservativefrom British Columbia  disagreed…3wks3W

You're letting the government take away a person's right to choose, which opens up more opportunity for the government to control us, and lose more freedoms.

 @B2FS8VRfrom Ontario  disagreed…3wks3W

Her body her choice. cases of rape, incest, health issues, addiction issues in people that know they would not be able to wean off drugs/alcohol and would use while pregnant, over crowded foster and group homes, abandoned and unwanted children

 @B2FLJVPfrom Alberta  disagreed…3wks3W

Pro-choice is not just pro-abortion as there are a plethora of reasons that women may get an abortion ranging from SA to high-risk pregnancies to just not wanting one. However, I disagree with ending the life of a child. I have the empathy to understand that not everyone will view this the same way I do. All I care about is that they are fully informed and supported in their decision ever it is.

 @B2FLWL3from Nova Scotia  disagreed…3wks3W

if a child was going to ave an unwanted child they should have the option that they can have an adoration so the rest of their life still has a chance.

 @B2DKP7FLiberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…3wks3W

Fetuses don’t gain sentience until around 30-35 weeks, meaning they can’t feel pain like humans do (therefore, abortion isn’t cruel). Also, if a woman has a medical emergency and requires an abortion to preserve her own life, being denied that would kill not only her, but her child, too (so it’s not really “pro-life”).

 @B2D3H25New Democraticfrom Ontario  disagreed…4wks4W

Women should be able to choose what they want to do with THEIR body. No one should have an opinion on a body other than their own. If you want to get an abortion, get one. If you don't, then don't. Simple.

 @B2CSYKCNew Democraticfrom Ontario  disagreed…4wks4W

If a fetus is a baby then the father should start paying child support as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. If a fetus is a baby then it should be insured by the family’s health insurance had soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. If you value a fetus more than the life and wellbeing of a pregnant person so much you want to take away their right to bodily autonomy, than you need to know that by definition a fetus is a parasite and it will do anything to survive, and sometimes the pregnant individual will not survive pregnancy. Also the right to abortion does not take away your right to not have an abortion.

 @B2CQVMHLiberalfrom Quebec  disagreed…4wks4W

If I was in kidney failure, no one could legally force my mother to give me her organ, alive or dead


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