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 @9TTLXGXfrom Nova Scotia  answered…4hrs4H

not a cap but a ratio since the CEO is taking a lot more risk than the employees

 @9TTHJVPfrom Nova Scotia  answered…6hrs6H

No, but it should be heavily regulated and monitored.

 @9TTHJVPfrom Nova Scotia  answered…6hrs6H

Yes, but in a highly controlled and scrutinized manner.

 @9TTDYHCfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

Quit focusing on foreign buyers and focus on corporate investments

 @9TTDYHCfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

banning is not the solution, preventing minors access is

 @9TTDYHCfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

One state, non apartheid solution or israel returns all land and removes all settlers