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 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Depends on how that electricity is generated. A mixture of energy is possible if sustainable generation is achieved.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Any company operating against national security should be wound down.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

We need to strive for a unified unit of currency for the planet.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Federal funding of health care needs to be carefully audited. Provincial governments are engaging in money laundering.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Only if they are available to all potential students and absolutely not, if they are based on religious proclivities.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Student loans should come from public funds - the current system is a gift to the (allegedly free market) banking syste…

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Borrowing needs to be based on need, social benefits and ability to repay.

 @9MX2TPBfrom Alberta  answered…3hrs3H

Incentivize immigration so new (prospective) Canadians settle where they are needed, economically and socially.

 @9MWWCZZfrom Quebec  answered…5hrs5H

Depends on the reason why, making sure there is proper oversight