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 @9MN6S3Hfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

This needs to be further considered. Privacy is very important and this access could be misused. The criteria to get acc…

 @9MN6QYSfrom Alberta  answered…2hrs2H

they should not force it but they should provide free language learning courses for those that want to

 @9MN6QYSfrom Alberta  answered…2hrs2H

yes, as long as it is known and approved by the people it is going to affect

 @9MN2FN4from Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

Social democracy, Environmentalism, Libertarianism, and Capitalism

 @9MMZ9Q7from British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

No egypt should get gaza and jordan gets west bank

 @9MMYRQ7from Alberta  answered…6hrs6H

It depends on who the teacher is. What is there background. If they have a bad background absolutely not. But if there a…

 @9MMYRQ7from Alberta  answered…6hrs6H

Accept the people who are good with no crimes but people with crimes look into there background. But also don't let too…

 @9MMYRQ7from Alberta  answered…6hrs6H

It depends on the situation. If there is a shooting and they need military grade equipment, then yes, but if not no.,

 @9MMYDCNfrom Alberta  agreed…6hrs6H

Weed in my opinion is like the most tame drug you can aquire and it actually can help people with medical conditions.

 @9MMRFFNfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes but limit where they can fly and make sure to have a job to monitor where the drones are headed and what they are do…