Yes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination
No, there are only two genders which are genetically not psychologically determined
No, we should address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care
No, and repeal anti-discrimination laws for private companies

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9FVM4WHfrom Alberta answered…10mos10MO

It is already covered, and should only be applicable to transgendered persons, not people who decide they don't like gender roles and decide to be non-binary (a choice)

 @8Z3PZTNfrom Saskatchewan answered…2yrs2Y

It depends upon how it is used. Like if they are brutally murdered for being trans then yes but i feel someone would use this law as "someone misgendered me put them in jail"

 @Mitchfyndefrom Nova Scotia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as there are clear limitations on what "gender identity" means

 @8TTDS3Bfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

  @8VS7J8Yfrom Quebec answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but there are only two genders which are neurologically determined

 @9QPTZ8Tfrom Ontario answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only with the valid gender identities like non binary, gender fluid, female and male but people with outlandish pronouns should not be supported.

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