Yes, as long as offshore income is reported
No, too many wealthy citizens are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes
No, and neither should corporations and business organizations

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Other Popular Answers

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 @9RBTBFTfrom New Brunswick answered…5 days5D

Yes, but there should be penalties and the income should be taxed at a higher rate than income earned from Canadian investments.

 @9QZCYDNfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

Yes, but it must be a trusted offshore bank and all income must be reported in order to avoid loopholes by corporations and the wealthy

 @9K6M454from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Only for the lower class people, rich people depend but some should be good as long as they're not over millionaries or billionaries and as such.

 @9K58RGLfrom Yukon Territory answered…5mos5MO

Yes, long as the income is reported and taxes are paid accordingly. Corporations and businesses should not be able to do so to evade taxes or audits of their financial dealings.

 @9FQ2ZJYfrom Yukon Territory answered…10mos10MO

Yes, as long as it is properly reported and taxed and only when existing loopholes are effectively closed

 @9FM9QN9from British Columbia answered…10mos10MO