Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder or violent crimes
Yes, every citizen deserves the right to vote

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @52855FWfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

no-we do not want felons deciding how our country should be run-if they wanted rights they would not have tried to take rights away from others

 @4TY9MHNfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely not. When you commit a crime and are sentenced to jail you lose all right to have a say in our government.

 @9NSCX42 from Ontario answered…2wks2W

Yes, as long as they pass a test demonstrating their psychological stability and wellness, and another test that demonstrates their understanding of the political system, and the political parties and policies.

 @9LBFNHZfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

No But depends what they did, if it was a drug use crime than i dont why they shouldnt be able to vote

 @9KDXF55from Alberta answered…4mos4MO

erm actullay i thinbk voting is so stupid and is for adults concerned for others safety thrn their own

 @9KCKVS6from Alberta answered…4mos4MO

Only depending on their crime if it’s super bad no if you did something not so bad they can vote Don’t kill my kid then expect to vote. 🖕🖕🖕🖕

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