Answer Overview

Response rates from 255k Canada voters.

Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis
No, but we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners
Yes, but place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet
No, we should build more prisons
No, transfer them to under crowded prisons instead

Historical Support

Trend of support over time for each answer from 255k Canada voters.

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Historical Importance

Trend of how important this issue is for 255k Canada voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada voters whose views went beyond the provided options.

 @9LMMHM7from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

yes if they have been deemed psychologically stable and have undergone skill building and other sort of training beforehand.

 @9LJGNWT from British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Entirely depends on the "non-violent" crime committed. Sexual predation without violence... stay in prison. Property crime (theft, burglary, vandalism).. stay in prison

 @9KW7W5Qfrom Alberta answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but they must go through a series of psychological tests before being released, as well as completing community service

 @9GZFFHRfrom Alberta answered…10mos10MO

Put them either under house arrest and offer more effective rehabilitation, skill building and education for them in hopes to not reoffending

 @9GZ8BL3from Ontario answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but only if they complete proper psychological evaluation and are proven to not be a danger to society.

 @9FDVB66from Manitoba answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but must attend community service, or attend class for skill building, and must wear a monitor at all times

 @9FB68RGfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

No, we should institute corporal punishment and/or work camps for offenders.

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

Yes. And help them transition to life outside of prison with rehabilitation programs and volunteer work