Yes, but not for cosmetics

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 @9FL248Zfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

Use animals that will cause less public opinion to conduct experiments, and prohibit the use of endangered animals and nationally protected animals.

 @98N25SYfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only for medical purposes such as vaccines, drug safety etc. But it should not be allowed for cosmetics. This should be allowed as long as the animals are being treated with care and not being treated as props.

 @9RCRJ4Ffrom Nova Scotia answered…5 days5D

Definitely not for cosmetics, and not for situations where the substance places humans at little risk. All other options should be considered before animal testing, it should be an essential need for examining the action of the product or process.

 @9L8JRVWfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

Yes - not for cosmetics thought - and after they've reached a certain level of testing which shows confident results that the product would not be detrimental to the health of the animals.

 @9KMLH9Mfrom British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but only for things that are necessary to our lives, like vaccines, but not anything connected to cosmetics.

 @9KDYD2Wfrom Saskatchewan answered…5mos5MO

Use proven criminals, convicted of violent crimes, who are in prison for 10+ years (or a life sentence)