Yes, but only if they use renewable energy sources
No, and we should be focusing more on improving public transportation
No, provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead
No, and I am skeptical about the viability of electric vehicles

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9QZCYDNfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

I provide the government should help with some funding but ultimately provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead of the majority of building being done by the government. However pass laws ensuring that all kinds of electric vehicles can use all kinds of charging stations

 @9MZ47BD from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, and use the income from selling electricity at the stations to maintain roads and infrastructure

 @9MKYHZ7from Alberta answered…2mos2MO

Yes and start a crown corporation similar to Petro-Canada for electric charging in order to increase competitiveness

 @9KC6XPWfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

Yes, if they use renewable energy sources BUT electric vehicles are NOT the answer, they create a whole new slew of environmental problems and tax the planet.

 @9JZ4BJ3from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Expanding charging infrastructure can support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, contributing to environmental goals. Opponents may question the financial feasibility and argue for private sector involvement. It's akin to discussing whether the government should provide facilities that benefit the community.

 @9JVRZ2Zfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Yes if they use renewable energy sources. Should still be able to purchase gasoline powered vehicles as there is no infrastructure to across Canada. Also, the cold weather decreases battery power. Need to be able to charge your car with a regular 3 prong plug or ensure each house is equipped to charge and electric vehicle.

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