Yes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member
Yes, we should respect all cultural traditions

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @589R7KXfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Jealousy is one of the deadly sins its a sign of insecurity. This rule is really a hidden law to suppress and control women. It's time to wake up ladies wake up. Take it off live in freedom don't mask yourselves any longer.

 @5DKSC75from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

 @4X47CR7from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Oppressing women is wrong, these facemasks are a sign of male ownership of a woman.

 @93WJJFTfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

No, its their own decision to wear face veil or something because everyone has right to live his or her life and they are free to take their own decisions.

 @9RC2QHKfrom Nova Scotia answered…4 days4D

Yes, we should respect all cultures and traditions, assuming they do not harm the rights and autonomy of others.

 @8S73DY8from Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

let them do what they want, I want the right not to show my face in civic ceremonies, that would be sweet