Try the political quiz

157 Replies


Is there ever a time when the suppression of opposition is necessary for a country's survival?

 @9HK3YVPfrom British Columbia answered…10mos10MO

No, but there may be times where people are required to follow policies they strongly disagree with.


Do you think a single leader should have all the power to make decisions for a nation, or is this too risky?

 @9H65F9Lfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

This is too risky because there is nothing to ensure thus leader will work for the benefit of the people


Is it possible for political violence to be justified in the pursuit of national rejuvenation?

 @9HNM9NDfrom Alberta answered…10mos10MO


Do you believe there are situations where a centralized authoritarian government might be necessary or beneficial?

 @9H65F9Lfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

These types of government are more efficient at making decisions than typical democracies


When faced with uncertainty or crisis, what qualities do you think are most important in a leader or government?


Can historical examples of societies under authoritarian rule inform our current understanding of governance and power?


In what ways do you think government intervention in the economy should be balanced with free-market principles?


What are the implications of political violence as a means to an end, and can it ever align with your ethical principles?


Can the suppression of dissent ever be morally justified in your view, and under which circumstances?


What role does the desire for self-sufficiency play in shaping a nation's foreign and domestic policies?


In your opinion, is social stability worth the cost of enforcing a singular political or cultural perspective?


How does the significance you place on community impact your view of governmental authority and power?


Can a balance be struck between achieving national objectives and maintaining personal freedoms?


Where do you see the line drawn between upholding social order and preserving individual rights?


What does a 'strong leader' mean to you, and how does that perception influence your political preferences?


What lessons from past or current events shape your view on the role of power and authority in governing?


How do you think your sense of identity would be affected in a society that highly values uniformity?


What are the implications of prioritizing uniformity in thought and culture within a community?


How would your daily life change if individualism gave way to a collective national agenda?


What does 'freedom' mean to you in the context of a society's laws and government policies?


In what situations do you feel the rules of a group should be challenged, even if it's unpopular to do so?


When reflecting on the past, what lessons do you think we should apply to modern governance and personal freedoms?


How do you believe that a nation's leadership should respond to internal discord or external threats?


In a crisis, where do you draw the line between necessary government intervention and overreach?


Why might people feel drawn to the idea of a single, decisive leader during challenging times?


How important is it for you that your country maintains its unique cultural identity in an increasingly globalized world?


Could there ever be a positive side to having less diversity in political thought within a society?


What historical events have most influenced your opinions on government control and personal autonomy?


How could the pursuit of economic independence impact your day-to-day life and future aspirations?


Have you experienced a time when compromise was necessary for the greater good; what did you learn from it?


When is it more important to stand by your individual beliefs rather than conforming to societal expectations for unity?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some democratic processes if it meant your community was safer and more united?


How do you reconcile the need for community with the desire for individual expression?


Why might a government's claim to protect national culture appeal to or concern you?


Do you think it's possible for an authoritarian government to truly reflect the will of the people?


How does a government's control over economy and society reflect your personal values on freedom?


When you think about a nation's pride, what are the positive and negative aspects that come to mind?


Have societal crises in history taught us about the dangers of seeking too much control?


What do you prioritize more: national identity or global citizenship, and why?


Would you prefer a government that's inefficient but democratic, or efficient but authoritarian?


What is the importance of having your unique voice and opinion in a group setting?


What personal experiences inform your view on the role of authority in maintaining social order?


How do you feel when you think of one person having control over many—is it reassuring or unsettling?


Can you imagine a scenario where sacrificing some democratic principles could lead to a greater good?


Why do you think some people might fear diversity and instead favor uniformity within a society?


Have you ever had to support a group decision you disagreed with, and how did it affect your perception of group dynamics?


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