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Yes but dentists fees should be compared to those around the world. You could have a government dentist whos prices are comparable with other countries, and a privatized option, the private dentist would then have to compete with the government dentist for prices and quality of work.
Yes, but only for Canadian Citizens. Preventative dental care is an important aspect of long term health
Yes, but the government should not be able to see all the medical and dental records of patients because an office is opting in to this program.
Healthcare including dental care should be provincial, not federal, let the voters in each province decide
Bad teeth can kill you. Teeth are important to your health. Dental care should be covered in universal health care.
No, instead privatize healthcare and provide healthcare vouchers and healthcare tax credits for low income individual/families.
for children and people of low income
yes for all low come Canadians, all children under the age of 18 and those with no benefits to cover them
Make dental care government owned
No, because people who are less qualified will get into the practice and make a living while potentially messing up people's lives.
Yes but only for common reasons. Filling, cleaning etc
I think it should be, for children and those of very low income, or even seniors.
i believe if it is so easily preventable, it shouldn't be unless they don't have the proper materials to prevent them.
depending on circumstance yes and no
All dental work including orthodontic work should be covered for all up to age 19.
i think yes but supported as less important then other healthcare issues
A little over half or something depending on your income
Depends on how teeth became damaged.
Yes, but only for those that do not have preventative dental care covered by a corporate benefits program.
Just add a dental sector to the universal health care while private companies are keeper to the private sector
Yes and only for basic things like teeth cleaning once a year. Plus emergency visits
For low income families and seniors
Yes for low income families and seniors
@8V7C4Z7Bloc Québécois3yrs3Y
The government should transfer the responsability to private companies and cooperatives
@8V7CBJQNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Should be covered for children, low income citizens, and citizens without work benefits.
everyone should get dental care but the dentist need to get paid more than what the government pays as the overhead costs for dental offices is very high and a dentist can not cover the overhead with what they get paid for people that are on government assistance.
Yes, but only for those who do not have coverage through an insurance plan.
No, it's a provincial matter.
Preventative care should be for those under 18. After that it should not be free but subsidized for preventative
Yes, but only for children, and low income citizens
Yes for children and low income individuals.
Yes, but we can’t currently afford it
No, and fully privatize the entire healthcare system
Companies should be mandated to provide it to their employees
yes when we can afford it.
No, and get rid of public healthcare
some of it should be covered
only in extreme circmstances
Yes, for low income Canadians, all children under the age 18, and those with no benefits to cover them.
Addition of certain aspects of dental care based on cost and statistics by health Canada. this includes long term illnesses
Yes, but only if it will help in the future or it will get rid of any uneazy feelings or pain you are in
Yes, because through these, further measures and expenses to the government can be reduced by not even letting it get to a point of surgery/other medical needs.
yes for children and low income.
Dental should be free for children under the age of 16 and for low income families.
It should be privately owned
If the person rarely uses the geslthcare system
As long as it doesn't mean an increase of existing taxes or a reduction of other health care services provided.
The healthcare system is messed up. Everyone should be able to get care for their needs.
yes, but I think they should also help those who can't really pay for it.
there should be a complete ban on preventative work being done. Citizens should be better educated about why dental health is important but dentists should also be penalized if caught getting people to get more work done than needed to line their own pockets.
Yes, for low income residents and children.
during COVID, raising taxes is a bad idea, but in the future we need to gradually integrate it in
Anything that involves health should be covered
Yes, only in a life or death emergency
People who absolutely need dental help, should be paid for if not if its not there fault in the first place, children should always be covered.
I am fine with the current system.
if they are low income but also if if they are in desperate need and they dont curently have the sufficient amout of money for it
Should be added as an add on at an additional charge as in car and home insurance
No, but it should be subsidized
After the age of 65 considering you've worked your whole life
Only for those who have issues incorporating habits, like people who have dementia, adhd, so on.
Provincial gov't should run their heathcare services
yes because it is your health
Yes, preventive dental care is an important and significant part of an individual's wellbeing.
Yes only things like dentures and teeth removal should be free teeth cleaning and braces you should have to pay
it could be covered but than you would have to pay higher taxes
I don't think it's a big issue as of right now, since there's many things to fund for instead of this.
yes, but only for children under 18
Yes, for the poorest 90% of the population
Yes, but only for Native born citizens with Canadian bloodline.
Yes, only when it will hurt you long term and when you doctor says you need something
Dental work should be free with your health card, it is good for mental health.
Do you know what a mouth full of rotten teeth feels like?
Do you know what a mouth full of rotten teeth costs?
Fluoride must be made illegal , mercury must be made illegal. All substances used on , and in teeth must be safe.
yes, but only for children and for dependents with special needs.
Yes, but there needs to be a limit on how much money can be used in a persons lifetime
No and we need to regulate pricing on dental
Yes, as long as there's money that's able to be given to provinces/territories, there has been consultation with them, and there have been standards/programs put in place to ensure efficiency of the given system.
for low income families, and if we can afford to do so
Yes, but mindful of the economic impacts of this change; they must have enough money to cover life saving surgeries and treatments
All healthcare should be free
No, this should remain privatized, but Canada could provide a base for low income families.
Yes. It is a form of healthcare.
Yes, preventative dental care is healthcare. Braces should also be covered for low income Canadians.
Yes, but only for those who can't afford it
Yes but only if the person does not have existing dental insurance coverage (through work or paid privatley) or the means to pay for dental care. This should also apply to people who have exhaused the insurance coverage.
Yes, but we need to grow the economy first
Yes preventative dental care provides better long term health for people so this is important for children and lower income folks. Improved dental health might help to improve overall health of people which in turn impacts health care system more positively. Of course good insurance benefits offered from workplaces help to ease some government funding too.
Yes, but only for those who cannot afford it
Yes, but only got children and low income families
Yes, but only for retired Seniors who can no longer qualify for employer benefits
It is important and in an ideal world this sort of thing would be covered. But we just can't afford it right now. And it's not necessary to push it right now. I do agree it should be covered but that's more of a long term goal.
Yes, but only up to a certain age
No, a lot of places already have this anyway
For children and young adults (under 24) and low income people.
Should be covered under health benefits
no, but dental care should be more affordable
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