Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9LYZ65P from Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

I don't think the police should be able to use military grade equipment because in a lot of instances police wrongly harm people and with even more powerful weapons it could be worse.

 @9FRQG3LLiberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think police have been wide spread in the amount of duties that they have to do. They need other services for emergencies that are not necessary police related so they can focus on core values of what police should be focusing on.

 @9M2CKY8from Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

I think police have been wide spread in the amount of duties that they have to do. They need other services for emergencies that are not necessary police related so they can focus on core values of what police should be focusing on.

 @9FQLGSLfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

We cannot have the police act like the US military for example. Training for understanding our people and constant training to ensure we are balanced in our approach to policing.


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