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 @9NMM48Cfrom Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

Pro choice but it should not be free unless medically necessary, under the age of 18, unfit to parent, incest or rape

 @9NMKH8Vfrom British Columbia  answered…7hrs7H

Increase all wages. Not just minimum wage. Closing the gap from entry level wage and experience is not the answer

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...…9hrs9H


 @9NLZHKSfrom British Columbia  answered…13hrs13H

if is regulated strictly and used for those who need it like people with immunity problems and not the highest bidder

 @9NLQQF3from New Jersey  answered…15hrs15H

like, from a realist perspective or is this about my ideology?

 @9NLQQF3from New Jersey  answered…15hrs15H

No, but economic stimulus should target areas that are separated from the cash flows of their city or whatever idkman im…