Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive
No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians
No, this is a waste of time and money
Yes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4TWCVGRfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Stop treating drug abuse as a crime and treat it as a disease. Provide therapy that does NOT profit big pharmaceutical companies.

 @4R4XY7Nfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

The test should be ultimately up to the person, but it should not affect welfare as it is basic and inhumane to revoke such rights especially if a person is abusing harmful substances. A test should be recommended and the government could lower taxing on homeopathic medicine if they should need to reduce welfare funding due to it costing excessive amounts.

 @4T9GDHCfrom Quebec answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely not. Irrevalent in any circumstances. Welfare IS ALREADY a prison sentence almost impossible to get out of.
All rents are more than what welfare gives in a month.
And stop criminalizing prostitution and low income drug dealers while we're at it as well.
This is what "This is a free country" means.
And our water is gold to other countries by the way. Need I have to remind you of what life in canada after ww3 will look like?

 @8JM6B65from British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Those on welfare should be tested for the use of illegal drugs and terminate benefits when tested positive for illegal drugs in their system. I work as a security officer and have witnessed this benefit system abused time and time again by active drug users. They get their welfare checks and it goes straight to drugs. In a sense, it is enabling them to continue their habits if left unregulated.

 @9M8VLSKfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only the people who have a drug record or people who are claiming certain kinds of welfare and who might be a risk.

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