Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men
No, women are not as physically capable as men for combat
Yes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory
No, combat roles place women in a high risk situation for sexual assault
No, men are more likely to risk the success of a mission in order to protect a women from danger

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @44NDCMPfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

Not if they are mothers and have small children at home, it is in my believe that a child needs his or her mother to raise them. They actually need both but most importantly the mother for nurturing them.

 @4GYKCFBfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

If men can decide to take up arms whether for their own personal economic reasons or their beliefs than women must be allowed and have the duty to take up arms as well. If women are allowed to vote they must be conscripted at the same rate as men. If a woman's ability on the battlefield in combat may make her more vulnerable than a man, and even a liability as well, this needs to be reflected in conscription at a higher rate of woman than men to compensate.

 @4TR5DWKfrom Quebec answered…4yrs4Y

Let us look at the damage combat has done to men both physically and mentally. It destroyed them for any future civilian life. Our women do not deserve this, even if they might perform well under constant bombardment.

 @4QCM3LHfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

women serve is Israel.....look to them for information on how to utilize women in the armed forces

 @96CJFM3from British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

Gender should be irrelevant, and only the measurement of physical aptitude should be used.