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 @9TQYT75from Ontario answered…5 days5D

It is not a money issue it is an implementation issue. We spend lots of money on this already but it is not used properly

 @9TM3JNPfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

Yes but only available to those in need, not criminals who are homeless as a result of their poor choices/crimes.

 @9TC7PPGfrom British Columbia answered…2wks2W

 @9T5VKB4from British Columbia answered…2wks2W

I feel what is being done is not helping. These people need mental health support, and a reset to living in a society, not rooting through garbage and living in the streets. They should have homes or a room even if it's in some sort of institution. Our city looks like a 3rd world country in some areas (Kelowna) They need to learn to support themselves, through job training and become productive members of society or they can't live in the cities we work and pay to live in.

 @9SMLXB9 from Quebec answered…4wks4W

No, incentivize programs to help them get back on their feet and become productive citizens.

 @9S44JCLfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

No, but increase funding for programs that help homeless people find jobs and get back on their feet.

 @9S3NX6Kfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

They should incentivise clean living shelters in other words fund the shelters that do not allow crime and drugs in them and defend the ones that can't follow siute


Yes, if allowing tent cities or imprisoning them is the alternative. They should be provided a space that's near basic resources and away from vulnerable public gathering places (parks, schools, daycares, hospitals). For whatever reason, they have not adapted to society, but ignoring or punishing that has never worked. Provide a space that allows for voluntary rehabilitation, but don't force them. It doesn't need heavy infrastructure and regulation. Does need to be monitored. I feel alot of attempts to solve this issue have been more about job creation and funding "rehabilitation"... It just needs to be dealt with to clean things up. If the funding went to creating an environment for them instead of to organizations, it would be significantly more cost effective.