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47 Replies

 @4Y8XQ85from Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

 @3QWVVTBfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

More, and doctors should not be penalized or stripped of their licences for looking at alternative therapies for patients

 @8CR5JVDfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

 @4LYKNWXfrom Saskatchewan answered…3yrs3Y

If there is privatization on healthcare services. The expenses should be a 100% tax write off.

 @9HXZTXMfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

There can be both private and public however the public healthcare system needs to change therefore need for more funding

 @8KDXY6LLiberalfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

There should be an option for private healthcare but keep free healthcare

 @8GN4VMFfrom Saskatchewan answered…4yrs4Y

yes i like how it is but if someone really needs something they should try and make a way for them to getting it

 @9CBTBW3from Alberta answered…11mos11MO

The choice should exist to either accept wait times in the current system or pay more for expedited services.

 @luca.a21 from Ontario answered…1wk1W

There should be a balance between the two, allowing people who can afford private healthcare the option. Pay should fluctuate so doctors do not flood to private healthcare

 @9LCFWGTNew Democraticfrom Quebec answered…2wks2W

If one can afford to pay for Healthcare issues they be able to... this would decrease the current burden in emergency rooms

 @9L8R794from Alberta answered…3wks3W

More, and if the public health care system doesn’t help in time they are defaulted to the private system at the governments expense.


Federate healthcare into regional budget- allow for regions to explore expanding private clinics at their own pace.

 @9L6B6WFfrom Ontario answered…3wks3W

Less just break up patents allow for open all drugs to be open patents and provide free information on legal natural alternatives, and crowd funded 3d printed drugs

 @9HHC8RDConservativefrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

If we lowered taxes by 50% and people got to keep their money, I would say privatize it. But if the government is going to continue to keep the high tax rates AND make us pay for healthcare out of pocket, then no.

 @9HCSTN2from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Less, and introduce capitation fees as well as transparency of pricing for perscription and hospital bills.

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec answered…5mos5MO

More, and provide healthcare vouchers and healthcare tax credits for low income individual/families.

 @9GVZYQMfrom Saskatchewan answered…5mos5MO

More, only if the free public services remain equally available. You should be able to pay for a privatized one to get quicker service. Or just go to the free public one and wait it out.

 @9GPXW9Vfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

I am in favor of a two party health care system. I believe those wishing access to public healthcare should be able to receive it, and the same for those looking for privatized healthcare.

 @9GPVK6Gfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

More privatization but ensure it is standardized that way those who can pay can get off wait lists to serve those who can't pay quicker

 @9GMSV2Ffrom Alberta answered…6mos6MO

I support a mix of both public and private healthcare services. However we need the healthcare services to cover not just physical, but also mental, dental, eye care etc

 @9GL3GM8from Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Government should have strong health care for all but if you want to seek a different doctor go for it

 @9GGS5K5from Ontario answered…6mos6MO

depends on if they are a close family member, and the patient should be asked who they don't want knowing about them.

 @9GF7LP2from Ontario answered…6mos6MO

I like what they are doing right now but I do think they should take patients more seriously and get them they help they think they need.

 @9GCVSH5from Newfoundland answered…6mos6MO

Everyone should have free healthcare and have the option to pay for privatized healthcare services to get faster treatment.

 @9G8ZNRKfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

for me it's an intermediate posture for example it's important to have privatization so the people who have success can go and check their self with a private doctor but then if it gets more and more the majority of doctors are going to choose to work at private and that would be a huge problem in the public services and not all the people can allow to a private doctor.

 @9FXFB4Wfrom Manitoba answered…7mos7MO

More, Healthcare should be controlled by the people working in healthcare but still be able to get the funding they need from the government. (financial support)

 @9FDGX7Jfrom British Columbia answered…7mos7MO

 @9FC8PV5from Alberta answered…7mos7MO

more, as this helps others that needs immediate medical attention and makes it easier to access by paying.

 @9FB68RGfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

 @9F9THK3from Alberta answered…7mos7MO

I think they should also implement a non-government funded hospital for easier access as our free healthcare can take some time, I think that this can help a lot of people who need immediate attention without having to wait. But, also keep our free healthcare.

 @9F9RHJWfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Create a good balence between privatized and public health care to reduce load on public health care.

 @9F992B4Libertarianfrom Manitoba answered…7mos7MO

Mix between both. Private health care for those who can afford to take strain off socialized health care

 @9F8XK9Xfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

More privatization of specialized services, and less privatization of general healthcare, but also more government-funded programs provided to help those who require more specialized healthcare services, and more government funding provided to Generalized healthcare.

 @9F8V484Liberalfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

More privatization for those willing to indulge, while still maintaining and supporting the public system

 @9F8CVCNfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Less privatization, recognizing there is a place for private sector in the health system (but they should always bill the province and never the patient).

 @92T6XMCLiberalfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

Privatization can equal specialization and more opportunities for providers and patients but I think service fees should be capped and paid for from health care transfers.

 @92SBLVXConservativefrom British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

People should be able to spend their own money on health services if they choose, they can do the same with almost anything else.

 @92R3TFGfrom New Brunswick answered…2yrs2Y

 @92QD3FJfrom Prince Edward Island answered…2yrs2Y

 @92PQZG9Greenfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

 @92L9QF7from Quebec answered…2yrs2Y

More, but subsidized by the government so healthcare is free for citizens

 @92FTNBQfrom Quebec answered…2yrs2Y

Just make it easier to access if you add more because not everyone can afford it

 @92FP4P6from British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

We should make a hybridized system in order to make costs go down while making wait times lowered.

 @92DS66Sfrom New Brunswick answered…2yrs2Y

Prevention should be prioritized so that privatization isn't a discussion.

 @92BV8FLfrom Manitoba answered…2yrs2Y

More, but only if there are separate and equal resources for public and private such that the wait times decrease for both and quality of care is the same.


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