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 @9Q359TTfrom Washington  answered…18mins18m

They should be given a lot more say in how the country is run and what we do on their land and we should help them with…

 @9Q2Y5ZMfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Yes, so long as their criminal history does not pose a conflict of interest with holding a political office.

 @9Q2Y5ZMfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

No, increase spending for training on de-escalation and conflict resolution and hire social workers to aid in police res…

 @9Q2Y5ZMfrom Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

It's not my war. They aren't my countries. Both sides are as guilty as the other.

 @9Q2Y5ZMfrom Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

It's not my country. If they were duely elected, it's not my business.

 @9Q2L5X3from Ontario  agreed…9hrs9H

Canada is an overall christian majority country and in thisreligion this act is not acceptable and this is harming our e…

 @9Q2L5X3from Ontario  disagreed…9hrs9H

Gay Marriage should be banned and made illegal in all provinces and territories in Canada. There should be a death pena…