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 @9MCKXVFfrom Alberta  disagreed…2hrs2H

Marriage is between one man and one women. They can be in a relationship but marriage should remain like how it was orig…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

In my personal opinion this is doing nothing chinas carbon i mission production alone is over 1 billion of those cups in…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

It really depends if they are able to fully parent a child and do both jobs the mothers and the fathers job then yes but…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

Im pro life in every case but if a man rapes a women they shouldn’t have to endure the 9 month long pain and after effec…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

In my personal opinion marry who you want because love is love but dont make it your personality and dont start pushing…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

Yes but this policiy made a lot of people way more racist towards muslims and middle eastern communities

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

No not at all because at that point their just choosing to be homeless and if they want to be they can go live in the wo…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

Yes this is very important and infraction i think it should be more because if they have enough money to buy two houses…

 @9MCJ3PYfrom Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

It really depends because yes we can have more public transit like rentable e bikes and scooters but we already have bus…

 @9MCCZ3F answered…5hrs5H

No, create more biodegradable and clean alternatives and decrease use of products that contain less than 50% of biodegra…

 @9MCBW8Yfrom Ontario  answered…6hrs6H

ehh if i was being adopted i'd want a mother and father, but if they are both loving and in a stable relationship i supp…