Yes, and it should be illegal to burn any nation’s flag
No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so
No, this is a violation of free speech
No, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should

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 @9GMRH3Xfrom Ontario answered…9mos9MO

Neutral. If a Canadian flag flying at a government building was burned, this act is considered a form of vandalism, which is illegal. If someone bought their own flag and burned, I do not believe that should be considered a crime.

 @9P8NRFM from Alberta answered…1mo1MO

If the flag is a piece of public property, personal property of someone else, or government property, burning it would be an act of vanadalism & therefore illegal. However, if a flag is bought, it is considered private property and burning it would not violate any government polices/laws as it is the property of the individal who purchased it.

 @9FXZGWTfrom British Columbia answered…10mos10MO

No, Free Speech is important and we shouldn't care so much about a piece of cloth in the first place.

 @9FR4Q6Cfrom Alberta answered…10mos10MO

No, I don’t respect anyone who does so but they have the freedom of speech, yet a small fine should be payed.

 @9F7DNYYfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but only in cases that violate the limitations of free speech (such as inciting violence)

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta answered…11mos11MO

No, it's just a piece of fabric. The Canadian flag doesn't have to mean anything to anyone. To many people the Canadian flag is a symbol of oppression and a reminder of genocide. It's okay to burn the flag in protest of government. Burning the flag should be protected by free speech. Canadians shouldn't be forced to take care of a piece of fabric that doesn't necessarily mean anything to them.