Yes, this will decrease the amount of misinformation patients receive
No, but the doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus
Yes, and the doctors should also lose their medical license
No, only when the advice was proven to harm the patient
No, scientific consensus can quickly change and patients should be allowed to try unconventional ideas

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 @9RCH3XQfrom Manitoba answered…4 days4D

It depends on the situation. If they can prove the health advice was unreasonable and caused harm, then yes, they should penalize those doctors. But if the advice was reasonable and did not cause harm, then the doctor should not be penalized. Particularly with rare diseases, there may not BE any scientific consensus and doctors need to be free to discuss alternative treatment options.

 @9QZGVSTfrom Michigan answered…2wks2W

Doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus, and only be penalized if the advice was proven to harm the patient.


If they say something that can cause danger to the patient then they should be penalised but the overall consensus isn't always correct and if they feel that they have proper medical experience on why they think this health advice is true and actually helps the patient it shouldn't. It also depends on how big of a consensus they are going against.


I am unsure as there is a lot of mix ups and constantly changing information as well as weaponisation of science to push agendas

 @9G9M53Lfrom Ontario answered…9mos9MO

yes, but only if they are penalizing the patient for not following. also if they are doing so in their own office.
