Yes, this will decrease the amount of misinformation patients receive
No, but the doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus
Yes, and the doctors should also lose their medical license
No, only when the advice was proven to harm the patient
No, scientific consensus can quickly change and patients should be allowed to try unconventional ideas

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9LHLKDCfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

No, as long as they discuss this advice first with healthcare officials first and have gotten approval.

 @9L4GGFDfrom Ontario answered…1mo1MO

 @9JZV4G6from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

It's a hard call. Sometimes off-label finds, help more than items that were set to to fix those ordeals.

 @9JBXLXSfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Yes, especially when it comes to Autism. In fact every doctor in Autism research should be fired, because it is mostly non-Autistic people.

They often spread the “vaccines cause autism” conspiracy theory and even prescribe gluten and dairy free diets because they say it “helps autism” when it doesn’t when it only helps with co-morbidities like gut issues. On top of recommending ABA therapy, which is abuse, it takes the Autism out of the Autistic, and many Autistics, myself included have ptsd from ABA.

We never have our voices heard, and we are sensitive and often…  Read more


I am unsure as there is a lot of mix ups and constantly changing information as well as weaponisation of science to push agendas

 @9G9M53Lfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

yes, but only if they are penalizing the patient for not following. also if they are doing so in their own office.