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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9RCJLJ2from New Brunswick answered…5 days5D

Should regulate AI with the aim of protecting existing networks and infrastructure. Regulate where it can’t be used in society, such as AI bots in public forums.

 @9RCBSYBfrom Ontario answered…5 days5D

Yes but ensure that the regulations are not excessive and therefore do not limit or hinder innovation and advancement.

 @9RBYBX6from Nova Scotia answered…5 days5D

Ethical use isn't greatly defined in the description. If advancement doesn't resort into those in technical careers losing their jobs, and it means making better strives at making our economic downfall of living rates, I am partial to this.

 @9RBPNXJfrom Alberta answered…5 days5D

We need to make companies pay for the data they use to train AI, if a person stole from a company they'd be held liable, so it's only fair companies are also held liable.

 @9QZVT44from Ontario answered…2wks2W

I don't think the government should sole handedly regulate it, but it needs to be part of the conversation ensuring that it stays ethical. I don’t trust the government to handle it on its own, there should be some sort of panel of TRUSTED advisors or something along those lines. It also should not be funded, or run by anyone who has corporate ties, conflicts of interest, etc.

 @9QWGGCTfrom Newfoundland answered…2wks2W


They need to make sure things are not being stolen or used to make illegal things.
However AI should not be politically, sexually, racially, or religiously biased, especially not politically.
And AI should not be censored, especially if it's for romantic/comfort/sexual things like a AI partner (chatbot).
And people should have the rights to generate images as long as they are used for humour or made for NSFW content (pornography) that one would keep to himself.