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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

BC Conservatives in Turmoil as Internal Divisions Deepen


 @8TV42G8from Ontario  commented…7hrs7H

The BC Conservatives need to focus on real issues that matter to voters instead of getting caught up in petty infighting. Rustad should be holding the NDP accou…


 @C1v1cSadie_968from Manitoba  commented…7hrs7H

Classic case of politicians fighting over nonsense instead of actually pushing for less government—no wonder people are fed up with the system.


 @YakRonfrom British Columbia  commented…7hrs7H

Looks like the BC Conservatives are tearing themselves apart over their obsession with culture war nonsense. If they can’t even keep their own MLAs on board, ho…


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…13hrs13H

Mark Carney Takes Over: Canada’s Next Prime Minister Promises Smooth Transition


 @B3SWX2Nfrom British Columbia  disagreed…4hrs4H

Harmful drugs should never be legalized, period. This only makes the streets more dangerous for the normal law-abiding citizens going about their lives. We don'…

 @B3STGWHfrom British Columbia  agreed…8hrs8H

It can interfere with your brain because many studies have shown that it has impacts on memory, learning and attention span. According to the National Institute…

 @B3STGWHfrom British Columbia  disagreed…8hrs8H

Every block in every city has a cannabis shop, yes one or two would be fine for medical purposes, but its like publicly saying "hey everybody! How would you lik…

 @B3STGWHfrom British Columbia  answered…8hrs8H

make it more easy to access

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

L.A. DA Blocks Menendez Brothers' Path to Freedom, Citing Lies

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Rob Shaw: Rustad's Conservatives at a crossroads as culture wars erupt

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Rob Shaw: Conservatives scramble as three departing MLAs accused Rustad of cowardice

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Rob Shaw: John Rustad's B.C. Conservatives at a crossroads as culture wars erupt

 @ISIDEWITH linked…13hrs13H

Canada PM-Designate Carney Says Transition From PM Trudeau Will Be 'Seamless'