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 @9NMWPJKfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

I’m fine with marijuana being legal. It’s less destructive than alcohol, but I’m not ok with decriminalizing harder drug…

 @9NMWPJKfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

The current process is already fairly rigid and quite effective. I don’t agree with spending more tax dollars to focus o…

 @9NMWPJKfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

If you tax the people who own everything more no doubt they will find a way to pass it down the chain to the consumers.

 @9NMWPJKfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

I’m torn. Drones could impact public safety and take away jobs. But they could potentially lower costs to consumers (aka…

 @9NMWPJKfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

Who is going to pay for this? Mandates hurt consumers more than anyone. Either the business or the government will pass…

 @9NMR3ZFfrom Ontario  agreed…5hrs5H

You can see global temperature trends increasing at an unnaturally exponential rate ever since the rise of industrialis…

 @9NMM48Cfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Pro choice but it should not be free unless medically necessary, under the age of 18, unfit to parent, incest or rape

 @9NMKH8Vfrom British Columbia  answered…11hrs11H

Increase all wages. Not just minimum wage. Closing the gap from entry level wage and experience is not the answer