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 @ISIDEWITH asked…8hrs8H

How do you feel about the role of community and government efforts in reducing overdose deaths, and are they doing enoug…


 @9MHKXL9from British Columbia  answered…8hrs8H

no they are not, too many drugs are smuggled into the country.

 @9MHKVCTfrom British Columbia  disagreed…8hrs8H

Lots of students in high schools and middle schools across Canada take drugs and other substances. This will ruin them i…

 @9MHKVCTfrom British Columbia  agreed…8hrs8H

SOGI, is another thing. Teaching kids about the LGBTQ community shouldn't be allowed in this country. Due to the fact it…

 @9MHKVCTfrom British Columbia  disagreed…8hrs8H

I dont think marriage should be allowed in Canada. As Canada shows as a christian country, I believe that being homosexu…

 @9MHJYWFfrom British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

Harm reduction is important, thus I am in favour of decriminalizing drugs however drug dealers need to bear more weight…

 @9MHJ95Gfrom British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

Yes but only for people with good bank records and no major police offences or minor ones involving stealing or abusing…

 @9MHCRJ2from Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

Yes but this solution always get blocked by the Palestinian themselves

 @9MHCRJ2from Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

Base on recent event, stand with Israel. Do not see Israeli supporters causing chaos and uttering death threats all ove…

 @9MHCRJ2from Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

Yes, but the companies that does the extraction should be liable for the environmental clean up. A fee should be charge…