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 @B39J9Q9from Ontario  answered…3hrs3H

Reform the income and carbon tax, the more you make the more you owe, the less you make, the less you owe

 @B39DTY7from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No, police need better training and more internal investigation to ensure there is minimum corruption.

 @B39D2FTfrom Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No, the government should instead do a better job regulating the real estate industry. They need to make open bidding illegal

 @B39CXJ9from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Autism supports and funding

 @B39CH5Xfrom Saskatchewan  answered…8hrs8H

Socially and Environmentally Progressive Democratic

 @B399S2Yfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes when possible, but priority should first be to increase accessibility and affordability of public transit

 @B399BKDfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

Work on bettering our economy by using our vast natural resources to create jobs and make money and this wouldn't need to be an issue.

 @B399BKDfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

No but there should be limitations and they should have to go through more vetting and background checks.

 @B399BKDfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

Provide more diverse options for government funded Healthcare or lower taxes and privatize completely

 @B398BP7from Ontario  disagreed…10hrs10H

Nuclear Energy, overall, is less deadly then fossil fuels, and less Space hungry then wind and solar. If we are to reduce carbon emissons, Nuclear must be a int…