Provincially managed but with federal standards to ensure consistency
Provincial, the federal government should not have a role in education

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9H6GJSNfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

I believe both should be able to work together within the education system to ensure consistency, workflow, and staffing.

 @9RDJFXLfrom Ontario answered…4 days4D

Geographically tightened. Ontario should be mandating job market issues and allowing students to pursue those fields.

 @9RBZ8DXfrom New Brunswick answered…5 days5D

Provincial responsibility. No reason why prov and fed gov't not to make money through student loans.

 @9RBYBX6from Nova Scotia answered…5 days5D

Education should be properly managed more as a way to create career assets. To go into postsecondary schooling, knowing the allotted debts one would have has discouraged many from being educated. Certain careers, such as; Doctors, Engineers, etc. should not have an insane debt, but should provide background checks and appropriate gradings to accept people to take the specific courses.

This way, I feel we'd have more people inclined to become Doctors and Engineers without a shortage. Passion is without debt

 @9RBPNXJfrom Alberta answered…5 days5D

I would say federal only because I'm in Alberta and the UCP is are kleptocrats, but under normal circumstances I'd say provincial.