Answer Overview

Response rates from 9.7k Canada voters.

Yes, as long as a disclosure is prominently displayed on packaging and restaurant menus
No, we need more long-term studies to ensure safety

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada voters whose views went beyond the provided options.

 @9TP4MHSfrom Alberta answered…6 days6D

The meat should be aprroved to be safe to eat, people must have a choice of wether or not, and further testing should be conducted even if sold to the public.

 @9TMMVLNfrom Alberta answered…1wk1W

yes as long as the lab-grown meat follows the same safety qualification tests as traditional livestock farming, there shouldn't be issue with doing so.

 @9T42CXPfrom British Columbia answered…3wks3W

Yes and no, only ensured safe lab grown meat should be commercialized and other lab grown meat should be studied more to ensure safety of it

 @9RBRS6Mfrom Nova Scotia answered…2mos2MO

The government should stop subsidizing meat and help fund other protein source production like redirecting soy feed from livestock to human food

 @9R4QBMXfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

it depends, I would not eat it but some people might so as long as it is safe I would say within moderation.

 @9QSFSCCfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Yes, but with proper regulation to ensure quality of nutrition is equivalent to naturally harvested meat.

 @9QS4NW8from Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Doesn't really matter, as this is a free country. If you want to commercialize something, you should. The fact that you even have to ask this question is ridiculous.

 @9Q7C6J3from Ontario answered…3mos3MO

I believe that until the health risks and effects have been studied and are well known that the government should not allow the commercialization of lab-grown meat