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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

NDP Struggles as Voters Shift Focus to Liberals and Conservatives


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…13hrs13H

South Korea Admits to Decades of Adoption Fraud and Human Rights Violations


 @B488P7Tfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

regular police training and specialized trained police leaders trained in community and social programs.

 @B488FL7from Alberta  agreed…3hrs3H

Genesis 2:24 (ESV) 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

 @B486XBXfrom Alberta  answered…4hrs4H

No because home prices should be brought in line with incomes. This could only make the situation worse.

 @B486XBXfrom Alberta  answered…4hrs4H

A legitimate open public audit should be do e to find cost savings while also increasing the budget.

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…5hrs5H

What can we do to improve the healthcare system and the wait times for care?

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…5hrs5H

Put questions that are relevant to the political stance of the different parties and what they’re gonna do to fix Canada

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…5hrs5H

Do you think politicians deserve a comprehensive pension after serving only eight years in office at taxpayers expense?

 @B47ZFK2from Alberta  answered…9hrs9H

less big words

 @B47ZFK2from Alberta  answered…9hrs9H

should the minimun speed be increases?

 @B47Z532from British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

Improving public transit is higher priority, no everyone would or can bike due to travel distance or health issues

 @B47YXXDfrom British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

only where it's applicable to do so. Using electricity for public transportation without adequate supporting electrical grids will only increase the price of in…