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 @B3HTL75from British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

I don’t have a car so I don’t care personally but I’m sure a lot of people will not like this.

 @B3HTCDYfrom British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

If the government regulates minimum wage they need to return to regulating private companies to give a minimum wage increase. Everytime minimum wage goes up reg…

 @B3HSYRBfrom British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

Should the federal government incentivize local governments to dezone housing?

 @B3HSTR8from Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

The current express entry program is fine, especially the points system, but the TFW program needs to be ended ASAP

 @B3HP7ZKfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

No but they should reflect the department you're in and the funding that goes back into your own education

 @B3HNKCJfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

Neither Yes or No both should be prioritized equally

 @B3HNKCJfrom Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

Increase tax on large corporations and businesses, close the loopholes, double down on billionaires tax dollars and decrease taxes on lower income families

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

NATO Chief Urges Zelensky to Repair Ties with Trump After Heated Clash