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 @9TZ2XJYfrom British Columbia  answered…32mins32m

i think there shouldnt be inflation if minimum wage goes up then businesses blunder, and corporations take over. I think the rental market and inflation should…

 @9TYZTWFfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

Only Israel rules. No Palestine, no Arabs, and no f... Islam

 @9TYZTWFfrom British Columbia  answered…2hrs2H

The UN must be transformed into another entity with Russia in the first place expelled. All other totalitarian states like China or Iran must be excluded, as we…

 @9TYTRSDfrom British Columbia  answered…6hrs6H

No. But because autonomous vehicles shouldn’t be trusted to be on the roads

 @9TYSP55from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No I had to pay back my student loan my ex has not paid hers in 20 years they shpuld go after people like her and garnish her wages

 @9TYSP55from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No and if they seperate they should only get what we origanlly gave them a small strip along the st lawrence river.

 @9TYSP55from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Increase to 3 % but mostly in creating jobs in canada manufacuring our own planes etc therby creating jobs.

 @9TYSP55from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Electric, hybrid, hydrogen, also smaller vehicles that are more fuel efficient.