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 @9PXWXKPfrom Ontario  answered…22hrs22H

Yes, it should be stricter to immigrate because we have too many, but we should make it easier for refugees.

 @9PXSBSYfrom Ontario  answered…24hrs24H

Autonomous cars should not be created and should stop getting produced

 @9PXSBSYfrom Ontario  answered…24hrs24H

Immigrants to Canada should be required to learn either english or french depending on which province they reside in.

 @9PXSBSYfrom Ontario  answered…24hrs24H

Yes, and close immigration for as long as needed until housing becomes affordable. Immigrants are taking up all the jobs…

 @9PXSBSYfrom Ontario  answered…24hrs24H

Yes, but jot at the expense of farmland and green space. Also deporting any non permanent citizens to subsidize actual C…