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 @9TXLQ28from Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Only if it better for the environment in the long run

 @9TXLQ28from Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Acknowledgement is condescending. Do something material or stop the acknowledgments.

 @9TXF8NVfrom British Columbia  answered…11hrs11H

Yes, and the healthcare system as a whole needs to be restructured. Many jobs in healthcare can be done with less broad training, and more focused training.

 @9TXDYGTfrom Ontario  answered…11hrs11H

Decrease, too much money going to Ukraine and Israel, and they use our money to kill innocent people and terrorize their homes.

 @9TXJCHNfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

No, transgender athletes should not compete with athletes of their desired gender.

 @ISIDEWITH linked…9hrs9H

Crombie takes aim at Ford in campaign-style speech at Liberal meeting

 @ISIDEWITH linked…9hrs9H

Liberals’ Bonnie Crombie takes aim at Doug Ford in campaign-style speech at AGM