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 @9MKF88Vfrom Ontario  disagreed…7hrs7H

People are only afraid of Nuclear Energy because of what happened in Chernobyl. Many countries rely on nuclear energy an…

 @9MKCM4Bfrom Ontario  agreed…9hrs9H

The substantial effects of restrictive abortion regulations on both individual autonomy and public health can be used to…

 @9MKCM4Bfrom Ontario  disagreed…9hrs9H

One argument made in opposition to the pro-life stance on abortion is that limiting access to safe and legal abortion te…

 @9MKBK8Sfrom Ontario  disagreed…12hrs12H

The vast majority of gun crime is committed with illegally obtained guns by people without a PAL. law abiding citizens a…

 @9MKBK8Sfrom Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

AI can be used for things such intelligence gathering or tactal purposes. However, any weapon systems should be human co…