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 @9VF2RTRfrom British Columbia  answered…51mins51m

Only if it makes sense based on our society needs and environmental guardianships and also financial support for the people

 @9VDFZ6Ffrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

No, a human with feelings and emotions should be able to make decisions that drastically affect lives

 @9VDT7NFfrom British Columbia  answered…4hrs4H

Yes, largely due to the fact the government needs to take care of everyone here first, then help others when we financially can.

 @9VDT7NFfrom British Columbia  answered…4hrs4H

No, until we figure out how to generate electricity efficiently without repercussions, then we can make that change.

 @9VDRGX4from British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

the rich should be treated the same even if they have money because the poor and rich both work to earn money not just the poor.

 @9VDRGX4from British Columbia  answered…5hrs5H

no the government should work on developing the humans brain instead of creating (AI) for defense applications.

 @9VDP2FMfrom Alberta  answered…6hrs6H

Yes because at rare occasions, autonomous vehicles can have a slight accuracy on the real roads that human drivers drive in

 @9VDGM24from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No, more laws should be implemented to protect farmers from being entrapped in small print contracts prohibiting exit from GMO seed suppliers