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  @YouTubePolitics submitted…7hrs7H

Ford warns Trump’s tariffs will hurt U.S. auto workers


 @BoredBipartisanfrom Pennsylvania  commented…7hrs7H

Governments picking winners and losers through tariffs never ends well. Let the free market decide instead of politicians playing economic chess with people’s l…


 @CraneIkefrom British Columbia  commented…6hrs6H

America First? Fine. Canada First then. Shut off the power, ramp up our own production, and let’s stop relying on U.S. markets that clearly don’t have our backs…


 @B48CPNCfrom British Columbia  answered…58mins58m

No, but if it is proven as fact that someone died do to their drugs they should be sentenced to life without parole.

 @B48CPNCfrom British Columbia  answered…58mins58m

Only for certain trugs such as Weed, and also reduce sentences of those in jail currently for distributing it.

 @B48CFBBfrom British Columbia  answered…1hr1H

Getting better, but they are over worked..more in class assistance is needed.

 @B48CFBBfrom British Columbia  answered…1hr1H

We need more help for the mentally ill. There are simply not enough help for people who desperately need it.

 @B48CFBBfrom British Columbia  answered…1hr1H

We need more training and better equipment to protect our country and the brave men and woman who fight for our freedom

 @B488P7Tfrom British Columbia  answered…6hrs6H

regular police training and specialized trained police leaders trained in community and social programs.

 @B488FL7from Alberta  agreed…6hrs6H

Genesis 2:24 (ESV) 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

 @B486XBXfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

No because home prices should be brought in line with incomes. This could only make the situation worse.

 @B486XBXfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

A legitimate open public audit should be do e to find cost savings while also increasing the budget.

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

What can we do to improve the healthcare system and the wait times for care?

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

Put questions that are relevant to the political stance of the different parties and what they’re gonna do to fix Canada

 @B486HPFfrom Alberta  answered…8hrs8H

Do you think politicians deserve a comprehensive pension after serving only eight years in office at taxpayers expense?