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 @B39SLYSfrom Ontario  answered…25mins25m

Something similar was done, and they tricked the machine simply with a box, by walking, and rolling.

 @B39JDXJfrom Quebec  answered…7hrs7H

Not at this time but if the number of autonomous significantly increases on the road then designating special lanes would make sense.

 @B39JDXJfrom Quebec  answered…7hrs7H

This should be up to the individual not the government.

 @B39J9Q9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Exceed guild lines to become leader in standards but should sanction top contributors of global pollution

 @B39J9Q9from Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Reform the income and carbon tax, the more you make the more you owe, the less you make, the less you owe

 @B39FLX3from Ontario  answered…12hrs12H
