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 @9TZBCQNfrom Ontario  answered…41mins41m

no, Palestine should be its own free country as it was before Israel came to be

 @9TZ2XJYfrom British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

i think there shouldnt be inflation if minimum wage goes up then businesses blunder, and corporations take over. I think the rental market and inflation should…

 @9TYZTWFfrom British Columbia  answered…10hrs10H

Only Israel rules. No Palestine, no Arabs, and no f... Islam

 @9TYZTWFfrom British Columbia  answered…10hrs10H

The UN must be transformed into another entity with Russia in the first place expelled. All other totalitarian states like China or Iran must be excluded, as we…

 @7C7D7XTfrom British Columbia  commented…12hrs12H

The government shouldn't be deciding what happens between parents and their kids – that's a family matter, not something for bureaucrats or courts to dictate. L…

 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Challenge to Saskatchewan’s pronoun law gets its day in court

 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Saskatchewan heads to court over controversial pronoun consent law appeal

 @ISIDEWITH linked…12hrs12H

Court to hear appeal arguments over challenge to Saskatchewan's pronoun law