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 @9QSH3TLfrom Ontario  answered…23mins23m

stop the tax on those who make more...... its not fair for those who work their butt off and then get more than half of…

 @9QSGHLGfrom Ontario  answered…50mins50m

No, only if the crime was not major (felony, violent, financial, sexual), and they have already faced charges.

 @9QSFSCCfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

This is a waste of spending as even the bottom of localized listings could not afford the mortgage payments on less than…

 @9QSFSCCfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but with proper regulation to ensure quality of nutrition is equivalent to naturally harvested meat.

 @9QSF59Ffrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

shouldnt be over relient but technological advances are good