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 @9TYNZJFfrom Alberta  answered…43mins43m

You shouldn’t be able to ask a 17 year old this Not completing this should not be in the curriculum

 @9TYMS9Bfrom Alberta  answered…1hr1H

I am satisfied with current spending, but having a way for citizens to pay for a faster and sooner appointment

 @9TYLKPXfrom Northwest Territories  answered…2hrs2H

the cost for riches should be slightly raised but the doors taxes should stay the same as long as they are able.

 @9TYFLTGfrom British Columbia  answered…3hrs3H

Yes, but the Indian Act needs to be repealed. The process of reconciliation will need new legislation to foster nation-to-nation cooperation, which will decide…

 @9TYFLTGfrom British Columbia  answered…3hrs3H

No, and we should campaign against harmful geo-engineering globally.

 @9TYFLTGfrom British Columbia  answered…3hrs3H

No. Keep a human in the loop for all lethal engagements.

 @9TYFLTGfrom British Columbia  answered…3hrs3H

Increase, and deploy the military more regularly to combat the effects of climate change, both here and abroad.

 @9TY6BR6from Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

Depends on the electric power since it might cause some problems too if all the public transportation ran on electric power

 @9TY54NKfrom Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

Have a certain quota, to not have too many people in one place at a time. to prevent inflation, polution and over population

 @9TY279Wfrom New Brunswick  answered…6hrs6H

Yes but only if they are a low income family and/or they must meet certain criteria for this.