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 @9QPSQLXfrom Ontario  answered…1hr1H

Depending on how serious the crime is and how definite the suspect is, I think they should get deported if they are at r…

 @9QPSQLXfrom Ontario  answered…1hr1H

I think they should subtly increase environmental regulations starting with use of renewable energy sources and other th…

 @9QPSCNLfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

I believe that if they have a Canadian job they may buy there home after the first 4 months of being in the country.

 @9QPR3YPfrom British Columbia  answered…3hrs3H

no, because it is not fair once you get to a certain age because men are much stronger then woman and they could cause m…

 @9QPPZQMfrom Virginia  answered…3hrs3H

They should be deported after serving their sentence. However they should work while in prison. Their meals aren’t free.

 @9QPPWF8from Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Country law should upheld and should not change according to individual preference .

 @9QPPWF8from Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

No Children should not make any irreversible changes to the body

 @Equ4l1tyLilyfrom New Brunswick  commented…8hrs8H

Considering Trudeau's wavering popularity and the internal skepticism within his own party, it's evident that the Libera…

 @9QP3NS6from Ontario  answered…8hrs8H

i dont understand what those mean so immma just say here, abortion should be ban after 3 months unless it was like rape,…

 @9QNDV5Pfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

They have to be VERY VERY VERY careful when they do it but it can save lives and somebody is going to do it eventually s…

 @ISIDEWITH linked…8hrs8H

Trudeau dodges a list of leadership questions and leaves the biggest one hanging

 @ISIDEWITH linked…8hrs8H

As Trudeau insists he’s staying on, one MP says some incumbents could sit out the next election

 @ISIDEWITH asked…8hrs8H

Do you believe that a leader should step down if there is internal party speculation about their leadership, and why or…

 @ISIDEWITH asked…8hrs8H

If you were a member of Trudeau's party, would your decision to run in the next election depend on him staying as leader…

 @ISIDEWITH asked…8hrs8H

How important do you think it is for a political leader to have high approval ratings to be effective and why?