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 @9Q6NY5Xfrom Alberta  answered…22mins22m

Yes, we currently have too many immigrants, but for the new immigrants in Canada have regular reviews on their life to e…

 @9Q6NY5Xfrom Alberta  answered…22mins22m

Yes, but only for medical purposes. Otherwise increase the penalties for non-violent drug offenders.

 @9Q6NY5Xfrom Alberta  answered…22mins22m

No, but decriminalize drugs that offer medicinal benefits, but increase the price of those drugs, so they're harder to r…

 @9Q6NY5Xfrom Alberta  answered…22mins22m

Yes to the homeless, however the government should take into consideration how much money that will cost, and go into th…

 @9Q7YMJZfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but only with appropriate oversight and against specific military targets

 @9Q7WSXR answered…4hrs4H

It should be in a case-by-case basis. Although prisons should be biased toward rehabilitation rather than punishment

 @9Q7WSXR answered…4hrs4H

Legalize recreational drugs and regulate the production and sale of recreational drugs. Decriminalize hard drug use but…

 @9Q7R83Tfrom Ontario  disagreed…6hrs6H

Gun control would reduce the number of children playing with guns. Gun control would eliminate police officers from shoo…

 @9Q7C6J3from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

I believe that until the health risks and effects have been studied and are well known that the government should not al…

 @9Q6SZXNfrom Ontario  answered…10hrs10H

I think it should be heavily secured but I don't think it should be banned.

 @9Q6NXYQfrom Alberta  answered…11hrs11H

No but they should go through more training and be provided or required to take courses regarding race and other culture…

 @9Q6NXYQfrom Alberta  answered…11hrs11H

More privatization for those who can afford it but do not remove public healthcare and the government should provide mor…

 @9Q6N7G4from Alberta  answered…11hrs11H

The government should not be involved in what two parties decide to do, as long as it’s not forced from any side family…

 @9Q6LHXSfrom Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

This should be a gradual requirement over many years as costs of electric and hybrid cars need to be anticipated by purc…

 @9Q6K9XZfrom Alberta  answered…12hrs12H

Yes however the public transportation provided should be free and should take environmentally friendly solutions into ac…