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 @B38NB7Tfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Yes, for vehicles, but build new infrastructure for public transportation.

 @B38NWBTfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Only if public transportation is improved alongside it (better service times, more routes, more affordable, etc)

 @B38NWBTfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

NOOO! Because then those days have longer hours. 40 hrs of full-time work is NOT sustainable no matter how those hours are distributed.

 @B38NWBTfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

In general, no. But it depends what the cuts are towards... If it's something unecessary, then sure.

 @B38NWBTfrom Ontario  answered…4hrs4H

Waste of money when there are other solutions. People are just too selfish, stubborn, and misinformed.