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@B2JM8JBfrom Ontario answered…3hrs3H
@B2JKTLDfrom Alberta answered…5hrs5H
@B2JKHRWfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…5hrs5H
@B2JKHRWfrom Pennsylvania answered…6hrs6H
@B2JJ8PMfrom Ontario answered…8hrs8H
@B2JHJYMfrom British Columbia answered…9hrs9H
@B2JHGGFfrom Ontario answered…9hrs9H
@B2JHF8Kfrom British Columbia answered…9hrs9H
@B2JH92Yfrom Ontario answered…9hrs9H
@B2JH4W2from Massachusetts disagreed…9hrs9H
@B2JGYPGfrom Alberta agreed…9hrs9H
@B2JGYPGfrom Alberta disagreed…9hrs9H
@B2JFZGMfrom Ontario answered…10hrs10H
@B2JG859from British Columbia agreed…10hrs10H
@B2JG859from British Columbia disagreed…10hrs10H
@B2JJJXV disagreed…7hrs7H