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 @9V2ZXQHfrom Ontario  answered…34mins34m

they chose to date each other and not have kids so they shouldnt be able to adopt only straight people should be able to adopt

 @9V2ZXQHfrom Ontario  answered…34mins34m

i think its wrong in my opinion its not how the world was meant to be made as it is not how it should be and never should have been

 @9V2YV4Bfrom British Columbia  answered…47mins47m

If the government has to spend money, I'd prefer it goes to this rather than things like injection centers.

 @9V2YV4Bfrom British Columbia  answered…47mins47m

I don’t want federal funding if it comes with control—let cities do their own thing without strings attached.

 @9V2MJBZfrom British Columbia  answered…11hrs11H

Taxes go to better Bertie funding community social programs

 @9V2M6HSfrom British Columbia  answered…11hrs11H

Foreigners should be banned from buying houses in Canada for 2 years but if they are refugees they should have the right to buy a house

 @9V2KX9Xfrom British Columbia  answered…12hrs12H

Yes, to ensure greater safety standards and testing

 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Danielle Smith announces details of planned Alberta Bill of Rights that includes vaccine choice, gun ownership

 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Premier Danielle Smith unveils plans to amend Alberta Bill of Rights

 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Smith unveils three 'key amendments' coming to the Alberta Bill of Rights this fall