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 @9R27GGRfrom Manitoba  answered…30mins30m

Yes, but rehab is mandatory as they are slowly weened off and counselled. Also never near children's places

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

I don't think the government should sole handedly regulate it, but it needs to be part of the conversation ensuring that…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

No large company should get tax cuts. What should happen is that additional taxes are billed if they don’t make their pr…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Yes, and they should be taxing corporations who are big polluters a high rate if they don’t limit their pollution contri…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

It’s all subjective I guess…but rehab programs, therapy, psych evaluations need to be in place. If they make genuine pro…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

They should not allow cities to build so many high rises when the infrastructure can’t support it (aka, Toronto)

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Yes, I think 16 years old. They can have a drivers license, they should be able to vote. But before they turn 16, it sho…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Some drugs, yes. Perhaps even manage them like they do in weed people know what they’re consuming. And also ma…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

I think background checks and psychological testing is great, but I think gun related crimes should have a much greater…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Not increase, but be more mindful of their spending. If items are needed, create a production plant in our own country t…

 @9QZVT44from Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Increase taxes substantially for the rich, (over $500,000/year), lower taxes for those who make under $500,000 per year…

 @9QZTDKHfrom Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Yes, only when it helps support families covering basic necessities however this should not make all jobs pay the same a…

 @9QZTDKHfrom Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

Yes only if the technology is proven to be safe for use, because then it would be like taking a medical surgery for a he…